
Hey all!

I'm not new to MFP - used it off and on for a while, then gave Weight Watchers a try, but didn't really like it. (Especially the $ part! LOL) However, I've never investigated the community, tools, really - nothing but the app - and am looking for some more inspiration.

I'm looking to shed 60 pounds over the long run - yikes! I've been working on eating better and becoming more active, which, when I don't stay up late on the computer (ahem!), has gotten easy to do in the morning. I love swimming, walking and taekwondo and am trying to build up my stamina to be able to ride my bike more than a few minutes in our hilly neighborhood.

My biggest issue with eating is a husband who expects to eat at a certain time, regardless of what my day has held. I'm looking to get some healthier freezer meals made up so we don't have to stress about it. Otherwise, he's all for going out to dinner - which is expensive and tends to be garbage. :P

Anyway - love to have some more friends to help motivate - and prod - me.


  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    We have the same weight loss goal. I am new to this site and am looking for peer support. I used a similar site to quit smoking 8 years ago and it was a huge success .i will be smoke free 8 years on aug 31. I'm hoping this site with give me similar support and motivation. You can add me :)