Am I eating enough


Last week was my first week back on track. I ate a NET calorie (average) over 7 days of 1486 and lost 2.6lbs.

This week, my NET average so far (over 4 days) has been 1012 and I have gained 1.6lb.

On average I'm eating 1864 calories a day and burning 852 - this is exercise (Polar records calorie burn) and steps (deducts 2,500 automatically before giving calorie allowance).

Was last weeks 2.6lb a fluke, or was it because I had been eating more? Do I need to eat more this week to see a better result (and stop gaining?) or should I try eating less?



  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    Could be water weight, your weight can fluctuate as well.

    I don't know if you've worked out your BMR, but I'd advise not eating below that if you are exercising, maybe you are eating too little. I try to at least net BMR - not always easy on high exercise days though!
  • peppapig24_
    Thanks. My BMR is 1451. Which is close to what I averaged last week on 2.6lb.

    I just don't 'trust' letting my defecit come from exercise alone, do you know what I mean?

    I have done it in the past, ate maintenance calories but burned 3,500 in a week on exercise and put on 3.5lb! Hence why I'm nervous about continuing to increase when I can see myself gaining more every morning after a day of increasing cals :( .
  • 3evelyn91
    3evelyn91 Posts: 1 Member
    hello :) You got to keep in mind that this is barely your 4th day meaning that you have 3 more days to complet the 7 days... Another thing that may contribute to you gaining that weight might be water.. Remember to drink at least 8 cups of water a day In the first few days that you drink lots of water you might feel bloated because your body is not use to it, but in the long run all that water will help you loose weight by cleaning your system, and sweating more when working out... Good Luck and Remember Drink lots of water!!! it definetely helps also stay away from salty food salt can retain lots of water and may not be a good thing... Other than that you doing good on your calorie intake and your workouts... oh and one more thing ALWAYs make breakfast your biggest meal, never eat too much for dinner if you do get hungry really late at night try to eat ice, ice numbs your stomach so it wont have that feeling of hunger...