What happens when I reach my GW?!

My ticker is almost half way and I felt the urge to lower my GW another 15 to make it last longer..lol

I was thinking last night about what I'd do once I reach my GW and I started to freak out! I feel that without logging my food I won't maintain for long...and will end up right back to where I was! But would I really stay on MFP for years on end?? Anyone been on here for years? What do you do?

I know I'm freaking out prematurely but I want to have a plan...lol


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I haven't been here for years, but my plan is as follows:

    1. My goal will put me solidly ten pounds inside what my health insurance company thinks of as a "healthy" BMI.
    2. I will reach my goal and increase my calories to maintenance, and watch my weight carefully to try to reach equilibrium with my weight.
    3. Once equilibrium has been reached, I will start logging everything after I've eaten it as opposed to planning my meals. I will estimate, and use MFP as a tool to validate my newfound calorie estimating skills (I already do this anyway, just to see how I'm progressing).
    4. Once I'm confident enough in my skills, I'm going to put a mark on my scale that says "RETURN TO MFP" set to about 5 pounds above my goal. If my weight consistently exceeds that number for a week, as Arnie would say, "I'll be back."
  • JLove2Zumba
    I think my fitness pal is a lifetime tool! Not so much for the short goals like logging in everyday.. But Really even for maintainance you should log.. MFP only estimated what it thinks you need to eat to maintain your goalweight.. You will have to see how your body reacts, you may need to eat more or less, and How are you going to track that w/out logging.. So don't fear, Fitness pal is a tool you can use for a guide the rest of you life.. and I like the previous post.. Like if you put 5lbs back on and they stay, not temporary sodium or water retention.. and actually gain, Its time to return full force.. I plan On keeping MFP in my back pocket for the rest of my life.. Accountability is a good thing!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I have a goal body fat, not a goal weight. Weight is really meaningless in terms of health. My bigger concentration is on overall fitness. When I reach 6% body fat, then i will just have other goals... higher reps, longer/cleaner workouts, or maybe increase lean body mass. Maybe you want to run a half marathon or do a bike race... there is always something to look forward too. Heck, I stopped tracked 3-4 months ago and i still lose weight and fat.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I don't know. I am scared of being at goal weight because I have no idea what to do. I have never been healthy. Never. So... I am 146lbs now. I have never been 146. I have been 200 or more. That's what I was comfortable at. I THOUGHT my goal would be 180, and I'd be comfortable but I wasn't. I think I have been sabotaging myself lately because I have no idea how not to diet but be 140/130lbs.
  • scrapbooklady
    scrapbooklady Posts: 77 Member
    I thik you will have to see how you do. For me, I KNOWI will nd to be one here forever. I lost the same weight I am losing now years ago and then once I got to maintenance I stopped logging. It all came back. I think it depends on you. Are you the kind of person that eats similar types of stuff all the time and can continue that without logging? Then you'll probably be okay. I am not and must log and track or else I will go off the deep end. Just wait and see. Maybe track for a while and see how it goes. One day at a time.