Body Type Calculator For Women

I couldn't decide where to put this - Chit Chat and Fun or here under motivation. I decided after some thought that it should be here.

I've always seen myself in a certain way. I always saw myself as an "apple" shape because, truthfully, it is what I was before dropping the 23 pounds that have been unshakeable for 20 years. I was very oddly proportioned holding my weight in my back and top half with these great legs.. So weird.

Last night I was looking at wedding dresses online - I'm NOT engaged so I'm NOT getting married at any point in the near future but I love wedding dresses - and I was wondering what kind of dress would best suit my body type. There are sites that tell you this kind of thing but I was still looking at dresses for apple shaped girls. So I went looking just to see and I found a body type calculator. Imagine MY surprise when I plugged in my measurements and it came back saying I was an hourglass!!! Who knows how much stock to put in this kind of thing but hey... For the moment it makes me pretty damned happy to be able to say I'm NOT an apple anymore :)

There's also some great advice on how to dress for your body type:


  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    This thing says I am a spoonand my legs should be my best feature. I can agree with the spoon but not with the legs. At 5'-1" muscular legs are not a great feature. But it agree's, generaly, with the way I already dress.