Runners bad run day



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Some of my "best" runs were the ones where I stopped after 5 min, turned around and walked home.

    The body's recovery cycles do not neatly match exercise schedules. It's not uncommon to be "down" on a day where your schedule says to push it.

    Sometimes your whole fuel balance can be off and you "bonk", even during shorter workout.

    Sometimes your body just says, "f@ck it, I want to eat cookies".

    These days can be aggravating but, over time, you will learn they are inconsequential in the larger scheme of things.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    There's a standing joke among scuba divers - there are two kinds of divers, those who pee in their wetsuit and those who lie about it.

    Same goes for runners, there are those who have the occasional bad day/run and those who lie about it. Bad runs can be just as important when it comes to learning about your body and running. It can be as simple as your body telling you it needs some rest. Try to think back to anything that may have changed. Did you eat differently? Did you get enough sleep? Any stressful stuff going on in your life right now? Was it hotter / colder? Were you adequately hydrated?

    These can all impact how you perform on a particular day, we all have days that suck.

    This. 100% agree.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I've been running since 1984. There will always be good days and bad days. Just take it in stride and drive on! Good luck!
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I've been running for a few years now, lots of 5s, 10s, and a few 1/2 marathons too... and I can with out a doubt tell you that running is often 10% physical and 90% mental!!!

    My head ALWAYS messes with me when I am preparing for (and often running in) a race. ALWAYS.

    In 10K runs, it usually happens around the 8k mark, and it is exactly the persistent "you should just stop and walk" thoughts... it's nuts because I know it's going to happen, but when it does, it torments me anyway!

    Your mind is very powerful, but remember - it's YOUR mind - you can control it, and your body will do what you mind tells it to. Keep on moving! Distract yourself. Focus on something outside of yourself (another runner, a landmark, a song, a memory), ANYTHING to silent your inner antagonist!

    You can DO this! you will have a great race this weekend... just remember, your mind is only as powerful as the power you give it!

    Kickit sistah! :flowerforyou: