Exercise at Work

What's the best way for me to get in some extra burned calories while I'm at work?

I'm a receptionist in a Pediatric Clinic.
I'm here from 8-4 everyday without leaving and I feel like all I want to do while I'm here is eat!
I can't really leave my desk (much). I stand up as much as I can but I don't think that's really BURNING anything (not that I can add to my diary anyways)

Any ideas? I can't do ankle weights or anything like that because of the business-type clothes I have to wear.


  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Do you get a lunch break? Most of my working out is done on my lunch break at work. I bring a suspension trainer and a jump rope with me.
  • ladeydaley
    ladeydaley Posts: 2 Member
    I'm an MA in primary care. I usually walk on my lunches. At your desk you could get bands to do arm and leg exercises when you didn't have pts at your desk. Also standup and do leg lifts and lunges every now and again, who cares if your care workers look at you looney like! They are healthcare professionals and should understand your needs to be healthy. Try to do something every time the lobby is empty!
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    We have a 6 story garage. At lunch I just walk up and down it as quickly as I can in the 30 minutes I have. I also makes sure to take the stairs (my office is on the 3rd floor)