Vitamins: What Vitamin can you overdose on?

I take a multivitamin every day, but I would like to start taking this Natures Sunshine Nutri-calm stress formula vitamin supplement. It has vitamins in it too. It says to take it three times a day. It's for people with anxiety. I recently stopped taking Paxil for my anxiety and would like to try this all natural way of handly stress/anxiety instead of the meds the doctors try to put me on. Just curious which vitamins you can't overload on? and how much of them is too much?


  • mjkon
    mjkon Posts: 17 Member
    From a description I found of this product, it looks like the vitamins are Bs and C, which are water soluble, and will be filtered out by your kidneys when taken in excess. That means that much of this product will (literally) be flushed away, since you are already taking a multi-vitamin.

    If you are looking for a drug free way to deal with your anxiety, you might think about exercise and some therapy with a licensed professional who does not prescribe--an MSW or Psychologist, for example.

    Plant-based drugs can have value (many prescription medications are derived from plants), but vitamins and other natural supplements are not subject to the same level of scrutiny as other drugs, so it can be hard to know what is simply advertising and what is a proven benefit.

    Good luck!