Treadmill Workout...

southernletteXO Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So since saturday night, I increased my workout from 30 minutes to 45 minutes and from walking the whole time to walking for 3 minutes and running one. On monday night after the workout, my right knee was hurting everytime I would either walk or run.

How long should I wait to work out again?


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    If you can use an elliptical, then you could work out immediately (since it is kind to your joints). If you try on again the treadmill and it hurts, then stop and do something else that doesn't bother them.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    You might need different shoes too. Have you had knee issues before? Have you been using the treadmill for awhile?

    Ellipticals can be easier on the joints so you might want to try that to see if you experience any pain. Make sure you warm up well before you start running, and then stretch well afterwards.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i've been having the same problem, but i'm using an elliptical not a treadmill. the other day i went for 15 mins and my knee started to really hurt, i was wanting to do 30 mins. I skipped the next day because it was still sore...and that brought me to yesterday. i only lasted 3 mins because my knee was in so much pain
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I usually run on pavement, but on vacation last month, i ran on the treadmill. I hurt for days afterwards and most likely will stick to pavement from now on.

    I'm guessing it was just because of the different surface?
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    You've really upped your workout! Not only your time, but also your speed. I'd recommend slowing down your pace a bit & avoid the running, until your knee feels better. Also, you can try adjusting the incline up just slightly - either at 1/2 or 1, that seems to help. I agree with someone else's mention of checking out your shoes. And, last but not least, listen to your body, if your knee is hurting slow down your pace or stop & rest if necessary. You don't want to put yourself out of commission!
  • thanks everyone !
    i really appreciate all your help. Last night I got on the treadmill again and i upped the incline from 0 to 2 and instead of running at 5.6 i ran at 5.3. those 2 days off and the changes i made to the workout really helped my knees so thank you for all your help :smile:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    thanks everyone !
    i really appreciate all your help. Last night I got on the treadmill again and i upped the incline from 0 to 2 and instead of running at 5.6 i ran at 5.3. those 2 days off and the changes i made to the workout really helped my knees so thank you for all your help :smile:

    Great job!! Good luck to you on your continued success & journey!
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