My poor belly button needs help!!! (And Itchy strech marks)

I had a baby 2 years ago and that's when I gained the majority of my really "jiggley" weight. My stomach has streched out and since I have been losing weight the area around my belly button has got really lose and saggy. My belly button looks like a frown :cry: because my skin just hangs. I've only lost 26 pounds and hoping to lose at least 30 more. I'm wondering if its going to get worse or will my belly button begin to look more like a normal 0? I'm 5'7" and my highest weight was somewhere between 210 and 215. Please don't tell me I have done so much damage that my belly will forever be "saggy". I want a beautiful flat stomach with a cute little belly button and I want to wear a bikini again some day. Has anyone else experienced this?

Also, has anyone ever had strech marks itch? I have lost 26 pounds now and I have noticed that my strech marks on my stomach itch like crazy. They had never itched before and now they have been itching for about a month. Whats up with that?!?!?!


  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    Am I the only one with this issue???
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I think it all depends on your age, your skin elasticity, etc..

    I had 2 8lb babies in 2 years, and gained 40+ pounds with each one, then lost it all within a year of each one, plus more after that, and my skin bounced back pretty well. Granted I was only 24 and 26 with the babies. I have a little loose skin but nothing horrible. It was pretty horrible right after I had them though, I'll tell you that!!

    Give it some time, watch your diet carefully and do weight training, that helped me a TON!
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Me!! *raises hand*

    My stomach was a train wreck after giving birth nearly seven years ago to my last child. I never thought I'd wear a bikini ever again. I thought it was hopeless.

    The only advice I can really offer is this: eat at a deficit, perform some cardio like HIIT and definitely lift some weights. It will take some time and effort but you can regain your shape after having children. If I can do (at 40) then anyone can do it. Good luck. :smile:

    P.S. Never had an issue with stretch marks being itchy so can't comment on that. Sorry.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have a little bit of extra skin on my belly from kids but it's not really noticeable.

    And yes, my stretch marks (although they are on my rear) itch like crazy sometimes.
  • julesassid
    julesassid Posts: 49
    I have some of that. My belly button isn't as affected, but where my c-section scar is, the more I lose, the saggier that gets. Lovely. I think you'll be fine after you get down to your goal weight, but it is kind of an ugly process. I'm the exact same as you, height and weight, so I'm also praying things get better soon. My stretch marks don't itch really, but you could try putting some neosporin or like, goldbond lotion on them. Mine itched when I was getting them instead. Babies - it's a good thing they're worth it! Because they really mess up a cute tummy. :)
  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    Thanks ladies! I am 30 and I had an 8 pounder as well! I try to do crunches, sit ups and different stomach machines at the gym, but since I still weigh in the 180 range I can't see much difference in my stomach.
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    My son is 21 months old (I only have one child) and even though I lost all the baby weight plus an additional 10 lbs, I have the same problem with my belly button. I totally understand how you feel and when I tell people about my belly button, they look at my like I'm crazy! So far, even with all the working out I've been doing, I've got my abs back but my belly button still looks like its frowning! I'm very self conscious about it but I just think its a matter of elasticity. I was able to get my body back pretty quickly after having my son but it's just this one issue that I'm having! I've decided that I cant obsess over it because I don't think that it's something that I can control. I'm doing everything I need to do and I just think its a matter of elasticity.

    I don't know if that helps or not!
  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    Me!! *raises hand*

    My stomach was a train wreck after giving birth nearly seven years ago to my last child. I never thought I'd wear a bikini ever again. I thought it was hopeless.

    The only advice I can really offer is this: eat at a deficit, perform some cardio like HIIT and definitely lift some weights. It will take some time and effort but you can regain your shape after having children. If I can do (at 40) then anyone can do it. Good luck. :smile:

    P.S. Never had an issue with stretch marks being itchy so can't comment on that. Sorry.

    You look amazing! Just curious how much weight did you have to lose?
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    Eugh me,,, I had 2 babies who were both 9lb plus and I was massively pregnant. I can't feel some of the skin on my turkey tummy... (gobble gobble gobble) it's just loose. I hope it goes back! I'm drinking tons of water- according to quite a few people here that helps with skin elasticity but it's a slow process... I'm hoping that they're right? Good luck!!
  • abbysmommy7
    abbysmommy7 Posts: 211 Member
    :laugh: I laughed out loud reading this! Becuase I swore I was the only person in the world that has a frowny face belly button. My friends all laugh and think Im nuts when I ask them if theirs ever looked like that.

    Im 5'6" 33 yrs old SW226 CW166 1 child (she's 5) and still sporting the frowny....BUT I will do ANYTHING to get rid of it and wont stop till I find what works. I just pray that when I get to goal that frowny face is GONE!!!!!
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Me!! *raises hand*

    My stomach was a train wreck after giving birth nearly seven years ago to my last child. I never thought I'd wear a bikini ever again. I thought it was hopeless.

    The only advice I can really offer is this: eat at a deficit, perform some cardio like HIIT and definitely lift some weights. It will take some time and effort but you can regain your shape after having children. If I can do (at 40) then anyone can do it. Good luck. :smile:

    P.S. Never had an issue with stretch marks being itchy so can't comment on that. Sorry.

    You look amazing! Just curious how much weight did you have to lose?

    Thanks so much. I gained 25 lbs. with my first child and then 20 lbs. with my second. But I had a very high percentage of body fat compared to my bodyweight. I was around 30% body fat. So, I was really frumpy looking after having kids. But you're young and that means your skin is more elastic. I'm telling you, it's definitely possible. You gotta keep at it and have loads of patience.