Im not new to myfitnesspal, but i recently found out I have pcos. So im just looking for some friends who either have it or who know alot about it. Wanna hear your tips and sucess stories.


  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    if you are doing low carb for your pcos you can add me.
  • MartiJ521
    MartiJ521 Posts: 434
    I have a PCOS as well. I just found out 2 weeks ago.
  • amberb2626
    amberb2626 Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS this month. I could use some weight loss buddies that are going through PCOS too.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Not only do I have PCOS, I have developed a metabolic issue that they cant pinpoint any name to it... talk about LAB RAT!

    I also work in a 300+ physician network where we have support groups for women with PCOS and Im glad to be one of the folks who coordinate them along with a Nurse Practitioner.... I spent a great number of years also as a Chef specializing in Restrictive Diets, working with a wide range of clients with dietary restrictions or even eliminations. I still keep up with that to this day.

    If you do decide (or if by guidance by a healthcare provider) to follow a low-carb intake, we have a great group here on MFP called "Low Carber Daily Forum".... throw us in the search field, grab us, click JOIN and come on in!
  • bkc38
    bkc38 Posts: 4
    I have pcos. I've had MANY ups and downs with it and have known about it for years. I found out about 4 years ago that i also have insulin resistance!

    I recently started a blog: www.apcosmama.blogspot.com
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I have had pcos for a long time. It was diagnosed in 2007 but I think I have had it for a lot longer. It is not the end of the world for weight loss. I lost about 32lbs but gained it back plus some. I had a huge tragedy happen in my life and it almost killed me. I did low carb, did not eat back exercise calories, made sure I net 1200-1500 calories, and drank tons of water. I did cardio 6 days a week. I do not believe in diet pills or anything like that because I did it naturally. PCOS symptoms are worse that having it.
  • Hey there! I also have PCOS I was diagnosed when I was 14..23 now..it's been a battle especially after hs..but I started with my weightloss a month ago and I have lots of great recipes low carb low cal..just ask..it's a hard thing to deal with but there are many ways to get though it. Just keep within your calories and motivate yourself by exercising in a way that's fun for you..I've recently started running and I love zumba(on my wii) lol..so that way only my husband can laugh at me having no rhythm.haha..
    But a good docter can really help with the right multivitamins and I've heard of meds that can help with our time of the month to decrease the chance of overian cysts that are very painful..add me if you would like:-)
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 and told I would never have children by my family Dr. HAHAHA I laugh in her face, I have a beautiful daughter who is 2.5 years old. I did have to do IUI fertility treatments to concieve my daughter, but none the less she is perfect and worth everybit of struggle. I was also diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mostly because of the insulin resistance that goes along with PCOS. I had to take insulin injections during my pregnancy and afterwards the Dr. has just kept me on them because it keeps my blood sugars very stable. I am thinking of trying again, but have to gear my heart and body up for another go of fertility. My Gynecologist asked why I took insulin, I thought oh boy how did you become a Dr. (I am an RN and can be a bit skeptical of Dr.'s) He said just don't eat carbs in the form of starch and you can lose weight and decreased your need for insulin. It took 6 months for the message to sink in so I started this week eliminating potatos, rice, pasta and any form of bread or flour based foods. It is working wonders- I have not taken my daytime insulin in a week and have maintained steady blood sugar levels, not to mention dropping 6lbs! My goal is to not need fertiliy treatment again and concieve on my own, I will wait a few months and see :-) I wish all you girls the best and if you want to you can add me for support or message me any questions :-)
  • I've had PCOS for a while now, the medication just made me gain more weight. It's been very hard trying to rid myself of it and try to lose weight at the same time. What a dilemma. The hormone fluctuations don't help my emotional status either :cry:
  • mattsgrl98
    mattsgrl98 Posts: 46 Member
    I have also been diagnosed with pcos. My weight loss efforts are slow and I sometimes feel like its a hopeless cause :/ I do contemplate low carb alot. And after reading alot of posts I am gonna go search the low carber board out and check it out. My doc said I do not need to go low carb she actuall suggested cutting my calories down even farther to around 1000. I feel like I may need a new doc lol. Could always use some more friends going thru same battles so add me if you like anyone :)
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Yep, there are quite alot of us on here!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    To mattsgrl -

    Yes, you need a new doc!

    With PCOS, your hormones are out of whack, and your body works the same way it would as if you were diabetic. Insulin resistance is a key problem, which is why low carb works for us. You should not eliminate ALL carbs - keep in mind fruits and vegetables also contain them. However, most women with PCOS feel better and function better on diets low in starchy carbs, sugars, and processed foods.