I've gone 'skinny fat' the wrong way..!



  • Mrs_McGann
    I think it's like Coco's Mum said "I was too skinny and did have to put on weight, now I'm trying to build more muscle"

    It's the difference between the 'weight' and the 'muscle' if that makes sense.

    They said I was underweight so the cure for that was to make me eat - anything! Nasty, horrid, bad quality food...

    Nuff said? x
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    well you want to eat quality more so than quantity.

    stating adding healthy but calorie dense foods to your diet. for instance if you eat salad, always throw an avocado and nuts in there.

    switch to full fat yogurt instead of fat free. if you drink cocoa throw some protein powder in it. tweak your portion sizes, so if you eat a cup of soup then make it 1.2 cups of soup.

    if you're already used to eating a lot then you have half the battle won, just start replacing all the bad stuff with good quality stuff.
  • pipsqueak12
    pipsqueak12 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi OP i can relate somewhat, i've been anaemic for a long time and i too am naturally 'skinny'
    my wrist is 6" if its any help haha and ive always been self conscous about it and my ankles... oh dear

    I've only been on MFP for a few days and nobody has accused me of anything. I think you might find a lot of support from others who want to gain, and i think i can assume all of us in this catergory want to gain muscle rather than fat.
    I just try to find threads along those lines and avoid weight loss ones as they dont apply to me. If anyone does say anything, theyre just trolling

    Im also trying to find ways of increasing my overall calorie intake rather than the amount of food, heres what i plan to do:

    switch back to full fat milk/cheese
    get a nut butter, i need convincing on this tbh
    use 'good' fats to cook with e.g coconut oil
    make homemade granola bars with fatty nuts and fruit

    as well as reiterating what everyone else has already said

    Also i found this resonated with me a lot, so it may help you too. You can scroll down to the britney spears syndrome section, but the whole thing was interesting
