Who Knew?! ... Oh yeah, all the experts knew...

I have had a string of discoveries lately and I have this strange mix of excitement and regret about them. I thought I would share my lessons with you all.

First of all, I am having great success losing weight by eating frequent small meals. Doing this makes it so much easier to make it through the day on fewer calories and lose weight consistently. I have heard smart/thin people say that all the time throughout my life and yet I never listened. Why did I waste so many years of my life being fat rather than listening to the experts?

And now that I have been drinking all of my water consistently for a month or so, I am finding that all the stuff the experts say about water is true also! I don't think my skin has ever looked this good.

Somehow in the back of my mind I always thought I knew better and I could do it all my own way. Now I just wish I hadn't wasted so much time. I am so glad to be on track but I am kicking myself for spending so much time doing the wrong things.

So, if you find yourself resisting the expert advice, take this as your wake up call. You will be glad you did!


  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Stop kicking yourself over the past. You can not do anything about it now. Now you are doing the right thing and making a lifestyle change for the better. Drinking your water and eating your mini-meals. Now you are lossing weight and feeling great. Keep up the awesome work and take one day at a time. :bigsmile:
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    BRAVO Girl....... :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Awesome job you've done!!!!
    Don't worry too much about it......... :flowerforyou:

    It takes awhile to figure out what works best for our own sweet selves!
    There is generic good advice, and some things just don't work for everybody.
    We have to find the right BALANCE in all things.
    LISTENING TO OUR OWN INNER GUIDANCE to decipher all the info out there.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Well atleast you learned the lesson now. I'm contemplating lowering my calories. I don't eat a whole lot as it is. Some days I"m just trying to think of things to eat that will help me reach my calories which are 1460. But I'm afraid if I go down to 1200 I'll be eating to few calories.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Some of us just have to learn the hard way :laugh: I resisted water for YEARS!! Boy was I stupid. I still have a hard time with the mini meal thing but I do try to get a small snack in between my meals.

    You're doing a great job. Keep up the good work!!
  • Demetria
    Some people just have that stubborn streak, no worries, you finally succumbed, LOL. And hindsight is 20/20 as long as you are on the right path now, is all that matters! So keep it up!

  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    I know what you mean. I'm still fighting. Getting clearer skin should be an incentive (I have rosacea), but it doesn't make the water taste better. This website has been a big help in making some lifestyle changes. I suppose I'll give in and drink more water, eventually.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    I know what you mean. I'm still fighting. Getting clearer skin should be an incentive (I have rosacea), but it doesn't make the water taste better. This website has been a big help in making some lifestyle changes. I suppose I'll give in and drink more water, eventually.

    I suggest buying an inexpensive Brita system. I rarely find tap water that tastes good, and Brita solves that problem. Buy a resusable metal water jug to take with you everywhere you go.

    Some of the time, what you do is more habit than anything. You get used to buying a Coke or Lemonade or whatever when you are shopping or at lunch. But if you have your tasty filtered water with you, it will soon become a habit. :flowerforyou: