
Hi All.
I am a 38 year old mother of 3 teenage daughters. Over the last 9 months I have been having
an ankle issue and my evening walks and treadmill activity was suspended. Still is really... So in that time I have gained and extra 10 pounds to my (I think) 20 pounds needing to loose. (Sigh) I will be getting my ankle fixed soon, but meanwhile I have joined the Y last week and I am now able to go swimming and that will not interfere with my ankle too much. I am determined to loose my extra weight and the before weight.
If any of you have any idea how many calories you burn in a pool doing laps and how many laps I need to do, I would love any advice and the such. Thanks for the help and support!!



  • Shanon
    Hi there!

    Good for you on not waiting till your ankle is healed. Swimming is an awesome activity for people with injuries and pain.:drinker:
    Click the Exercise tab and type in swimming. It gives you different types of strokes and lap swimming. Put in how long you swam for and it gives you the amount of calories you burned.
    Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Good luck with the swimming. That's definitely better on your ankle than walking or using the treadmill. Good luck with your 30 pound loss. You can do it. It just takes time, dedication, and consistency.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • LittleEva44
    Hi All.
    I am a 38 year old mother of 3 teenage daughters. Over the last 9 months I have been having
    an ankle issue and my evening walks and treadmill activity was suspended. Still is really... So in that time I have gained and extra 10 pounds to my (I think) 20 pounds needing to loose. (Sigh) I will be getting my ankle fixed soon, but meanwhile I have joined the Y last week and I am now able to go swimming and that will not interfere with my ankle too much. I am determined to loose my extra weight and the before weight.
    If any of you have any idea how many calories you burn in a pool doing laps and how many laps I need to do, I would love any advice and the such. Thanks for the help and support!!


    Hi! I read this and came back to you. Are you sure you have ankle issues and not shin splints? If you have issues w/your ankles before walking and going on the treadmill do you:

    1. Stretch 5 minutes before and/after your workouts?
    2. Massage your ankles/feet/shins before and/after your workouts, too?
    3. Sit in a hot tub/bath tub to sooth your ankles/feet/shin muscles AFTER your workout?
    4. Use cold then hot compressions after your workout?
    5. Take Motrin for pain?
    6. Eat eating bananas (potassium)?
    7. Eat an apple, OR yogurt, OR soup, OR walnuts w/a small box of raisins BEFORE your work out?
    Why? Because, "They are packed with high-quality carbohydrates, which provide a quick source of fuel for your muscles, but they have just enough protein and fat to help you maintain a steady, elevated energy level" (source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).
    8. Drink a protein shake (Slimfast, Special K, EAS Myoplex, etc) AFTER your workout? Why? Because, "After a workout, your muscles need protein to repair microscopic muslce tears, plus another shot of carbs to help restock energy stores. Cyclists who drank it after a tough racing session had improved endurance and recovered fast than those who drank an ordinary sports drink (which supplies carbs and electrolytes, but no protein)" (Source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).
    9. Have a new pair of tennis shoes specially made for walking? (You should buy a pair if they are 8 months or older as they wear out and cause pain to your feet/ankles/shins, etc.)
    10. Drink 64 oz of water daily?
    11. Take vitamins/supplements?
    12. Do you drink coffee? I suggest you switch to Chai black/green tea.
    13. Last qestion: Have you seen a podiatrist?

    Believe you me girl, I have learned from the BEST (Prevention and the internet). I had shin splints and I would literally walk off the PT track (Army/Civilian); so don't salute me :laugh: in TEARS :cry: :cry: because I was in so much pain! I power walk 3 miles during my lunch hour, M/W/F and on Tuesdays I go to the post gym to do upper (sitting down) body weights and then sit in the hot tub for 15 minutes:love::love: :love: I read about doing all the above and I have improved since I no longer suffer from shin splints and I have to be EMBARASSED :blushing: to say that my running/walking shoes were 15 years old!!! :noway: I just bought a new pair from Academy last month.

    Blessings and good luck!
