Semi new to MFP

I made an account in 2011, but never really did anything with it. Now I got another friend going strong with me on here. I've lost about 200 pounds.

I started in late 2010, with a medical supervised diet. Watching what I was eating, and calorie reduction. But in 2011 I started an exercise regiment (walking, and bicycling) as well as completing surgery for Vertical Gastrectomy. In addition to my surgery, I was granted access to the hospital owned fitness center for free for a year. But after having to wait for machines and fitness classes taking over 1/2 of the center I haven't returned in sometime. I found it easier to walk, or ride my bicycle around my neighborhood. I was thinking about signing up with YMCA or different private gym one that has a pool because I love to swim.

My friends, family, and coworkers have been enormously supportive. Which has contributed greatly to my success. I know I have a long way to go before I'm medically "healthy" but I believe in another short year I will have lost another 100 pounds.

Somethings I'd like to note this type of rapid weight loss while nice, has some draw backs. Like feeling cold all the time, I've had my iron checked and I take a supplement but even with that, I'm always cold. Lose skin is also another pain, it gets itchy and is unsightly. I never had any qualms about how I looked when I was overweight, I accepted that, but now losing weight I feel slightly embarrassed when I look at my skin on my arms, or legs.