Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30

So I am about to start the Ripped in 30 for the 4th time...but have never made it passed the 2nd video. But what I am wondering is figuring out the calorie burn from it. I know it all depends on weight and age and blaa blaa blaa... but is there a calorie calculator out there that figures out workout video burn??


  • shayhenke
    shayhenke Posts: 21 Member
    I totally forgot that i had a heart rate monitor... DUH!!! So I just did it and I am 5'9 192lbs and I lost 293 calories!! Just FYI if anyone of you were wondering along with me
  • mellenorris
    mellenorris Posts: 99 Member
    How's it going for you? I just tried level 1 yesterday and loved it! Good luck breaking past level two... you can do it!
  • nemiredi3
    nemiredi3 Posts: 29 Member
    I have that video and keep on wanting to start it but After Day 1 I am sore for a week so give up :-/ I just need to do it! I hear great results come from it!