How many calories to eat? Insanity vs MFP

I'm at the end of week 3 Insanity. The Harris Benedict Equation they use has me eating 2036 calories a day (trying to lose weight)!
MFP has me at 1200. I dont know which to follow. The Insanity calc sounds way too high.
Any advice is appreciatied.


  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    I'm not entirely sure but I think Insanity is probably taking all the calories burned into account. If you were to add that exercise onto your mfp it would probably want to you eat back all those calories you've burned. So basically 1200 would be what you would eat if you wanted to lose weight but did no exercise.... 1200 + doing exercise would equal a fair amount more since I hear Insanity is intense. I hope this helps
  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    1200 is the rock bottom MFP will set anyone at. In most cases this is due to selecting 2 lbs of loss per week. Unless you have a large amount to lose, this can be too aggressive. We all want to lose it all NOW, but that is not the healthiest route.

    1/2 lb to 1 lb per week is a much better range.
    This calculator is great for finding a good starting point for your calorie goal. Everyone is different so it can take some trial and error to find your personal sweet spot.