The Turning 30 Blues...



  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    It's just another day. Your life doesn't start getting GOOD until you turn 30! Happy Birthday! :)
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I cried when I turned 30 last year so I wish I could tell you it's not as bad as you think. Maybe use it as motivation to get to where you wish you were. Happy birthday!
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    When I hit 30 I was determined to enjoy my birthday and I managed to stretch my celebrations out over a week. My 30s have also been a pretty good decade for me too, but I also have the mindset that age is only a number at the end of the day and its how you feel inside that counts. I hit motherhood late (34 with my first) so my kids help keep me young and I'm skidding towards 40 thinking that the next decade is going to be just as good, as long as I can get this bloody weight in check, haha!!

    Enjoy your life while you can, you only get one shot at it, and have a great birthday xx
  • Eisskween
    Eisskween Posts: 84 Member
    The toughest birthday I had was, believe it or not, 25. I had this thought that "oh no! I'm a quarter of a century old!" *gasp*:sad:

    28 years later and I'm 53, and I know it sounds cliche, but age is just a number. My mind says I'm 18, now if I can just get my body to cooperate, I'd be golden. LOL!:laugh:

    Take it in stride, as long as you are feeling good and taking care of yourself, age IS just a number. According to Wii Fit Plus, I'm only 28! I'll think I'll go with that. :wink:

    Hugs and Happy Birthday! :happy:
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I turned 30 on Saturday, and was having a very difficult time with the thought/concept in the run-up to my birthday, until a few days before. I'm not sure what 'switched', but I feel (irrationally!) somehow more confident, more in control than I did a few months ago. I can't tell you why, but so far, 30 feels pretty good.

    Happy Birthday for the 27th!
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member

    I'm 32 in a few months! About 3 months prior to both my 25th and 30th birthdays, it really got me! I think the thing that kicked in for me was that where I was in life, isn't where I thought I would be! Obviously, this isn't the end of the world....I just think we all have some "idea" in our head of where we see ourselves, whether we really believe it. It's funny though because now I'm in my early 30s, I'm a lot more relaxed about life!!

    Have a fab birthday, get your *kitten* out with your mates and get some good pics and have a giggle!! Sarah x
    I am turning 30 on the 27th of this month and for some reason I am having a hard time with it. I am not even sure why, People who dont know I have 4 children guess me at about 24 so I should feel happy about that but for some reason its hitting me hard. I look better than I did as a teenager and I still have a long ways to go and I suppose I am feeling the regret of not taking control sooner. Anyone else have a difficult time with this particular birthday?
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    For my 30th I sort of just hid away didn't want to make a fuss of it but, I had alot going on at that point in my life, then when I was 31 I decided to **** it, it's just a number after all. I still feel like I did when I was in my 20's and some people even think I am so i would ignore the number and celebrate a birthday and not what number it is.