Is diet soda bad?

Is it bad to drink? Does it affect your diet at all?


  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    I believe it contains a very high amount of sodium so I try to keep away from it...(apparently from the looks of my food diary for yesterday I should keep away from ham and garlic bread too. smmmmmmack me!)
  • Its better than regular soda but still has lots of chemicals. Fortunately all chemicals have been removed that have been shown to cause cancer but in the end if it helps you stay with your diet than keep drinking it.

    Diet pepsi is amazing
  • PrincessCelestia
    PrincessCelestia Posts: 28 Member
    What exactly does sodium do?
    What happens if I have too much? Do I gain weight?
    Sorry I'm new to this
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm not a dietician so I won't go into all that but, I will share my experience. I used to have horrible stomach problems while drinking a lot of diet soda. I switched to water about 5 weeks ago and I feel so much better. I really think the chemicals and artificial sweeteners had a bad effect on my body. I lost plenty of weight while drinking soda, but I have noticed I don't get as bloated now and I also don't crave sweets as much.

    If you are going to drink it, I would definitely recommend moderation (no more than 1-2 per day). If you decide to give it up, it really helped me to be well hydrated during the process.
  • ohmyshysamantha
    ohmyshysamantha Posts: 138 Member
    I have heard things on both sides
    I personally believe its bad because of the sodium and because so many people that I know have developed addictions or allergies to it. My old church pastor used to say that because it is zero calorie it makes you eat more then you plan to, and the sodium in it makes you crave saltier or sweeter food.
    I would personally drink regular soda as a treat every now and then, if you need caffeine (like I do) there are a lot of zero calorie teas and black coffee and green tea actually boast your metabolism as long as you dont put cream or sugar in it. :)
  • goatfishtwo
    goatfishtwo Posts: 21 Member
    Good short term decision, bad long term decision. It will not, however, derail any kind of weight loss accomplishments you've made.