
:explode: I am trying to lose weight and I my calorie goal is 1330. I want to know what are some good foods that are filling but don't have alot of calories. I always reach my calorie limit early in the day. Also I find myslef snacking alot so I would Also appreciate any healthy snack Ideas.:flowerforyou:


  • Cantaloupe

    Try the ten day protein and cantaloupe challenge.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    :explode: I am trying to lose weight and I my calorie goal is 1330. I want to know what are some good foods that are filling but don't have alot of calories. I always reach my calorie limit early in the day. Also I find myslef snacking alot so I would Also appreciate any healthy snack Ideas.:flowerforyou:

    1300 before or after working out?
    Because then youll be at about 1700.

    Am I right?
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member
    I find if I have a very healthy breakfast the rest of my day goes good also. I always juice first thing. Then later on will have a real breakfast of whole grain oats or eggs with veggies and salsa.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    You can view my food diary if you want keeping to the minimum of 12-1400 cals/day for a loss of about 10lbs in 4 weeks (only two lb loss on mfp as I only just joined on the 5th of this mo.).
  • Egg whites!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member


  • spacechick365
    spacechick365 Posts: 26 Member
    Celery always seems to fill me up as well as mushrooms. Also, here is an article with a few others.

    Hope this helps!
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    If you exercise, you get to eat more :)
  • JFae32
    JFae32 Posts: 15
    Looking for support buddies :)
  • thanks for all the suggestions I will Try them And My Goal Is 1330 Before Exercise.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Get the book by Bob Harper called The Skinny Rules. Lots of great info and recipes. Lots of weight loss information that is helping me.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    thanks for all the suggestions I will Try them And My Goal Is 1330 Before Exercise.

    Make sure you eat back calories.
    Youll do fine!
  • Angylgrrl
    Angylgrrl Posts: 159 Member
    Mine is similar. You are welcome to friend me (my diary is open to friends) and see how I am spreading out my calories across the day.

    As for snacks, I have been eating a lot of seedless cucumber, baby peeled carrots, and celery. I also keep an ounce of raw, unsalted almonds with me when I'm at work in case I am really hungry and ate all of my vegetables.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I have found MFP to be very educational. As you go along you will learn what foods to eat in what amounts. I have found that increasing the protein in my meals keeps me from getting as hungry between meals.

    As for snacks, fruit is good, and I also really like the Fiber One 90 calorie brownies. Yogurt is also a good choice.
  • connorsludge
    connorsludge Posts: 35 Member
    Cottage cheese is some kind of super food, it turns out. If you can tolerate it, it has minimal calories/carbs/fat for maximum protein. Plus it's good with fruits and veggies.
  • Hi.

    My fave low cals are egg whites, grilled chicken, zucchini, spinach, grapefruit, unsweetened almond milk,

    Hope it helps :)
  • .
  • Mine is similar. You are welcome to friend me (my diary is open to friends) and see how I am spreading out my calories across the day.

    As for snacks, I have been eating a lot of seedless cucumber, baby peeled carrots, and celery. I also keep an ounce of raw, unsalted almonds with me when I'm at work in case I am really hungry and ate all of my vegetables.

    Thanks Because I don't have any friends on here yet and I like more tips on dieting and exercise.
  • brieguzman
    brieguzman Posts: 11 ...... love this site cause it takes our everyday food we use to scarf down and makes it healthy and enjoyable.