Fitness Programs


I hope I am not doing anything that should not be done here.

I have seen that many of you use fitness programs to help you burn the fat (i.e. Wii Fit, zumba, Power90, etc). Once you are done with them, what do you guys do with it? I have some of them just sitting there and even though I tell myself i will use them next time I exercise, I don't.

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in forming a group where we can exchange them among ourselves once we are done with them. Nothing will be sold, only exchanged. It doesn't necessarily have to be with each other, it could be among two or more. Person A will send to someone interested (person B) and then B will either send something back to A or maybe person C.

I would prefer to have someone use it than just have it sit there forever or sell it back and just have them take advantage of whoever might be trying to lose weight and buy it at an expensive price.

Just an idea.