motivation on stressful days

Arrgh! I am nearly two weeks into this and feeling really positive about the changes I am making and seeing some results already, however this weekend is going to be difficult. My two little boys are ill and consequently clinnnngy. Yesterday was ok as I had to get son2 to the GP so plonked him in his little brothers pram and marched out there and back, but because I am in the house with them I find myself wanting to eat. I eat when, bored, angry, upset usually . Am also disappointed because we can't go say goodbye to friends who are moving to Norway and only back over here for a few days

Any tips on staying motivated would be really appriciated today. Have started positively with porridge with almonds and apricots and spices, know I need to avoid the white carbs


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I hope your little boys are better soon.

    If going out worked well for you yesterday, could you do it again today? Put them in the pram and go for a walk? Assuming they are well enough to go outside.
  • charitas32
    charitas32 Posts: 58
    Thanks, unfortunately not , been to A &E this morning, with wheezy little one, but have kept on track and am firmly blaming the horrendous summer we are having for the bugs lurking about