"ONLY 2lbs?!?!"

I can say i have said that alot during weigh-ins, but here is a tip for you:

when that scale says youve only lost Xlbs... and your not saticfied... look at the number from a diffrent view. When i was on a diffrent diet, i lost weight but verryyyy slowwwwlyyyyy. i remember when my mom and i were trying to loose weight together. she would loose 5 and i would loose 2! i would get so upset and really feel like throwing in the towel and eating EVERYTHING I COULD, until my wonderful mother said this to me, that i would like to share with you:

"When your weighing yourself and your not happy with how much you lost, because it seems like nothing, think of the pounds in hamburger meat, 1lb can feed four people... so those 2lbs you just lost, you fed a family of 8!"

so think hamburgers, or turkey burgers :)) when you think of it that way it makes you feel MUCH better :))