Should I Eat?

easywind Posts: 2 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Just found this website, and started entering in my fitness stats in an effort to start maintaining a more healthy lifestyle.

I'd like to lose 35 pounds, and I entered a goal of losing two pounds per week. This puts me at ~1,700 as my target daily number. Factoring in what I've eaten and burned today, I'm still 500 calories shy.

I am:

1. currently not hungry at all
2. not wanting to shoot this caloric effort so low that I'm doing my body damage

Thanks for your advice in advance.



  • If you are not hungry I wouldn't force yourself to eat......also it sounds like you have hit 1200 calories for the day and as long as you don't go below that you are fine. So just listen to your body!!
  • easywind
    easywind Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the prompt reply.

    Is 1200 calories/day a good rule of thumb for a minimum?

    Usually I have little problem eclipsing that mark, but don't go too awful much more than that when I'm being strict (not drinking beer).

    I'm currently at 250lbs, and would love to get back to my college weight of 215lbs. I'm 6'3" male, and began the calendar year at over 290lbs. I was really hard on myself from January through June, and just started back up again. I'm usually an "all or nothing" type diet person and have a very difficult time finding that happy medium.

    With exercise and responsible dieting I know I'll get there; I"m just afraid that I may be skimping to much on my daily intake sometimes and that causes me to really overdo it when I do fall off the wagon.

  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Just do not drop below 1100 at the minimum they recommend 1200 but my doctor did say that 100 either way would be safe as long as I had the proper proteins and carbs to substain the body. God Bless, brenda
  • Sorry I didn't realize you were a male. With that your mark would be to try to shoot for a minimum of 1500 calories for a male. Sorry. But I still live by if you aren't hungry then don't force yourself to eat.....
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    see my blog for ways to squeeze in the calories from now on.

    once in a while is fine. a habit is not.

    use your own judgement on which category you fall into.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    1200 calories does not apply to you easywind. That's the FEMALE minimum. You should definitely eat! And I don't agree necessarily with the "listen to your body" thing. One of the reasons we were all here is because we listened to our body, I would say, create a diet schedule, and stick to it. I was in your boat. I did that same thing (created a schedule and ate whether I was hungry or not).

    OH and I wouldn't take too much stock in any advice that anyone gives that tells you how many calories to eat, UNLESS you give out all your numbers. For someone to advise a minimum caloric amount without knowing your height, weight, activity level, exercise routines, any medical conditions...etc. is just crazy to me. Even then, none of us (to my knowledge) are registered dietitians, so our advice will all only be best guesses.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    If I'd listened to my body, I wouldn't be overweight. By ignoring the signs or hunger of satiation, I silenced those signals, and taught myself to ignore them.

    It has taken three months of healthy eating to re-teach myself to listen and my body to start sending correct signals out again. That entailed forcing myself to eat ENOUGH to meet my minimums, even though I "wasn't hungry".

    The way to lose weight is to just follow the plan. Don't try to trick it or bypass the requirements. Your body will thank you for feeding it enough fuel and you'll feel better for longer. Make it a lifestyle thing, not just a "diet" and you'll be able to meet your goals and maintain them. I

    edited to correct spelling errors-need more coffee!
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Sorry I also did not realize you were a man and 1200 is too low you need much higher than females. Please be careful and stay within the minimum that is required for a man. God Bless, brenda
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Don't force yourself to eat. If you get hungry before you go to bed, have a little something.
  • Just drink some calories then. :indifferent:
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