Did anyone struggle with C25k?

I did my first day of C25K today.. With my husband.

Who can run about seven miles by himself without tiring.

Needless to say I was very disappointed in myself for not being able to finish the last three 60 second run times.. But I am proud of myself for taking the first step and doing it anyway. Did anyone else struggle with starting out on the c25k?


  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    I just learned about c25k a couple of days ago. I havwnt started yet but I do know for all the walking I do, I HATE running jogging etc. I plan to start c25k in a week or so. I know I will struggle. You're not alone. The important part is that you got started. Good luck.
  • crafty30
    crafty30 Posts: 132 Member
    Hiya, Well done for starting it! Yep I really struggled, I could barely run 30 seconds at first! It really does get easier fairly quickly, so don't feel disheartened! You can do it you just need to persevere and you'll be suprised how quickly the running becomes easier..keep it up! X
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    It was rough, and there were definitely times I didn't make it through the whole workout. However, I stuck with it and repeated some weeks until I got the whole week done. Now I actually enjoy running. Seriously, stick with it!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I think many people who do c25k do it because they *need* a program to follow because they're not natural runners. That was certainly the case for me. I did c25k at the beginning of this year and just repeated days or weeks as needed until I got to the end.

    I now run 5k 2-3 times a week. I'm not fast (about 30 mins) but I can do it and I'd never have managed it without a structured training plan.

    Persevere with it and you'll get there.
  • kista30
    kista30 Posts: 5
    I just finished the first week and it was frikin tough for me! the 2nd day i just wasnt feeling it and i HATE to run add the 2 together and you get not a very productive 30 minutes. I just started it over the next day and felt better. I just wouldnt give up. If you struggle one day start that day again the next time you run. I start week 2 tomorrow, dunno if im ready.

    Remember anything you try is better that not doing it at all! And go at your own pace, your hubs doesnt care how fast you are going, he is probably happy you guys are just doing something he loves to do together. Also, have a killer soundtrack. Good upbeat music. I havbe P!ink, Beyonce, Avril, Mariah. Music that you wanna shake your booty too :-)
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I tried a little over a year ago and did get incredibly frustrated. However, I wasn't really aware of both how overweight and how out of shape I was. Also, I don't know how to do things halfway, so I'd do it as hard and fast as I could manage, but that didn't leave enough energy for the later intervals.

    So I've been afraid to try it again (bought an app for it back in March and still haven't used it) but since I have these same problems with other kinds of workouts as well, what I've learned is to take the requirements as the maximum rather than the minimum. Like with P90X, if I don't get all the way through the hour before I'm completely exhausted and cannot do even a single rep more, I won't feel bad about that (whereas it used to be a huge failure in my mind). If I keep putting in the effort, then I'll keep improving until I can do it. Same with the C25K, if you don't manage every single second of the runs the first time, then you still go for it next time (especially since the requirements are the same each time for a week), and the prior efforts will make it more likely that you'll get there on your next attempt.
  • jealous_loser
    You can do it! I have found that I can do it better if I am not watching the clock. If I have control of the timer, then I am constantly checking it and psyching myself out.

    I am currently on Week 5 Day 2. It starts looking pretty scary, but it is so worth it!
  • classictoaster

    I am currently on Week 5 Day 2. It starts looking pretty scary, but it is so worth it!

    Hey, me too!

    I'll second everyone else and vouch that it does get much easier. The body is an amazing thing. Just slow down if you feel like you're gonna die - its helped me overcome lots of times when I wanted to quit the jogging intervals occasionally.
  • Smackered
    Smackered Posts: 2 Member
    Hi , like you I couldn't finish the first one but now I'm on week 2 and this morning ran with my marathon running husband & managed 2x 10 minutes without stopping. No way did I think I could accomplish this last week, you have to stick with it. I found the first one by far the hardest, I've never run in my life & actually thought that genetically some people just couldn't as I got so out of breath within a couple of strides. Good luck with the rest of the program.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I am about to start Week 5. When I started, I HATED running, but knew it would give me good calorie burns. I had trouble getting through the 60 second intervals the first week. When I did Week 3, the temperature in our area shot up to record highs and stayed there, so I decided to repeat Week 3 instead of advancing to Week 4 in the crazy heat. At the end of every week, I find myself thinking, "O no, next week has runs of ____ minutes!!! How am I going to do that?" But every week I seem to surprise myself. I am VERY nervous about this week as I believe one day has 8 consecutive minutes of running...yikes! I will give it my best and if I need to repeat this week a time, or even more than once, I will keep going.

    It is amazing how fast my body is getting used to this...and I am carrying around almost a whole extra person with my weight. I just go slow and keep going.

    Good luck and stick with it!
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Try not to be disappointed. You did it! :)

    I am not a natural runner at all. I'm more like the lion than the gazelle. LOL! I did C25K last year, and despite being 'fit' from Turbo Fire, it kicked my butt. It just requires different things from your body. I finished the runs, but I was shaky, SORE, and I definitely wanted to quit. It will get better! Just make sure you stretch well afterwards and listen to your body- don't risk injury.

    I'm still not a natural runner, but I can run. I am happy to be able to run a 10 minute mile, and happy that if I go slower I can run for 30 minutes without stopping. I'll never be super fast or a long distance runner, but that's ok. :) Find your own victories and just keep trying. :flowerforyou:
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993

    I am currently on Week 5 Day 2. It starts looking pretty scary, but it is so worth it!

    Hey, me too!

    I'll second everyone else and vouch that it does get much easier. The body is an amazing thing. Just slow down if you feel like you're gonna die - its helped me overcome lots of times when I wanted to quit the jogging intervals occasionally.
    Me three!!

    The first week I thought I would die. My face was beet red, I was huffing and puffing and had to force myself to finish. It's taken me several months to do it, I started back in march but with work, life and other workout goals im only on week 5 day 2 which I'll get done this weekend at some point. Right now I can run 12 minutes straight and I bumped up my speed from 3mph walks and 5mph runs to 3.5/5.2 and I think I'm gonna bump it up again to 5.4. I am sooo not a natural runner (my husband started running a little only about a 6 weeks ago and can already run 15 minutes straight while gradually bumping the speed from 5.5 up to SEVEN mph I'm a little jealous!!)

    Stick with it, redo day one a couple times till you can make it and on your off days walk or bike to help build endurance and you will make it!!
  • MrsLeyva11
    MrsLeyva11 Posts: 90
    Thanks everyone :) I definitely needed the support today. It's taking everything I have not to just cry lol. I'm not physically tired, just couldn't catch my breath.. so my husband said we'll try again tomorrow if I feel like it. If not, we can just try again on Monday. Thank you so much for your encouraging words :) It's nice to know I'm not alone in this.
  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    I started C25K a couple times and struggled too much with it to ever get past Week 3.

    The first time I tried it was over Christmas and I ran both on the treadmill at home and outside and I found it a LOT easier outside. But I still struggled with it a lot - especially with shin splints!

    The second time I tried C25K, I was aware of shin splints and had new, proper running shoes. I still struggled with it and still couldn't get past Week 3.

    I've given it a new try the fast few weeks but this time I haven't stuck to the pre-set intervals of C25K, just going after my own pace. I still get horrible shin splints, but it's getting easier! Yesterday I ran for 5 minutes straight! It was mostly downhill, but I was still very proud!
  • ch00singlife
    ch00singlife Posts: 64 Member
    I am doing the version on http://www.fromcouchto5k.com/articles/training/the-couch-to-5k-training-plan/
    It is a little different...for example, the first two days are 5 min walk, 2 min jog, 5 min walk. (Plus warm up and cool down stretching). Then you just keep adding full minutes. All that stopping and starting on the coolrunnings program was hard for me to deal with. Take a look at it....
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I struggled with it, and eventually gave up. I know. Not wise. But it was making me feel worse instead of better. I might try it again later down the road. I felt some pain too right between my shin and ankle that was making it hard to continue. Good luck to you!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I had no problems, none at all, until I took the dog with me, tripped over her and broke my foot in 2 places. :( I was just past week 3 and was loving it. I miss it soooo much and pray I can do it again someday! Good luck!

    Edited to add: I should also mention that I've been walking regularly since January so I had no issues with calf pain, shin splints, etc. I think that anyone that attempts to run should start out walking first so you ease into running without injuries, especially if you're basically inactive before starting. Also, don't run with your dog! lol
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I struggle when I can't find my groove.. but once I can, then I'm fine.

    I'm due to start Week 4, Day 1 tomorrow so we'll see how this goes.. jogging for 5 minutes may be a tough one for me!
  • kista30
    kista30 Posts: 5
    I actually did better on the treadmill, i put on an incline 4 and run on 4, it seems like it makes the time go faster, and i dont get as hot. I guess to each their own, whatever makes us go right?
  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    Definitely in your same boat! I'm on day 3, and the first two days killed me! I actually felt like I might collapse, but I kept going. I think my "running" intervals at the end were basically the same speed as my walking intervals, haha!