Brides & Grooms to be ?

Hi everyone, Im Geri and im trying to get fit for my wedding. I dont just want to loose weight. I want a change of lifestyle. So far I have lost just over a stone, but then a nurse at my dr's suggested this site. So far I have found it a big help and also reading other peoples stories very insperational.

So the wedding ! our wedding is Sept 2013 in Malta

I dont have a goal really, I just want to be comfortable i my body, be able to bend with out my stomach getting in the way, I want to be able to run up the stairs without been out of breath when I get to the top. I want to buy a dress and be happy with my reflection. I want to be me again. Before I had y children I was a size 12, I dont think I will ever get back to that but a 14 would be a joy :)