Share your tips for fitting it all in when things are hectic

angiered Posts: 169 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I work for a ballet company, and we're about to start our Nutcracker season. That pretty much means that all hell is about to break loose in my life. :noway: :laugh:

What are your best tips for fitting everything in, meal planning, etc?

What I have going for me is that my partner and I are splitting the cost to put a dorm fridge and a small microwave in the sewing room. So I will have some options for keeping food at the studio.


  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    :heart: PLAN NOW....don't wait until it's too late with the rest of all Hell breaking loose.

    :heart: Write it down, and maybe treat it like a cafeteria menu with 2 full weeks of meal ideas (if you can)....Mondays: Turkey Tuesdays: Chicken etc etc then when you do have a grocery shopping break you can simply go rebuy what you need for your rotated weekly menu.

    :heart: +...always have fun snacks on hand that you can switch up & change for your quick breaks or in between meal snacks.

    :heart: Stock up on bottled water, diet beverages next to the fridge
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    maybe treat it like a cafeteria menu with 2 full weeks of meal ideas (if you can)....Mondays: Turkey Tuesdays: Chicken etc etc then when you do have a grocery shopping break you can simply go rebuy what you need for your rotated weekly menu.

    BRILLIANT. Thanks!!

    We have a SUPER COLD water dispenser in the lobby for the kids, so I generally bring my water bottle.

    I'm gonna have to put my foot down about making sure that the staff has a lunch break on picture day. LOL They keep forgetting that the costume staff has to be on the entire day. :grumble: :laugh:
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    I think my best advice to anyone who is busy is to wear a pedometer.
    I find that I try to challenge myself to walk more steps when I know the pedometer is logging my exercise.

    Also drink as much water as you can!

    Good luck!
  • cheshirekat
    cheshirekat Posts: 126 Member
    Cook once, eat twice (or three times, or four...) Meaning if you are cooking something that can be used again in more meals easily like rice or pasta, or soups and chillis and the like, make more than you need so you can save leftovers to eat again (freeze if necessary). Bring healthy snacks with you like apples, oranges, bananas and other fruit, almonds or other nuts, have some natural peanut or almond butter handy and some celery sticks, carrot sticks and hummus, healthier versions of crackers like TLC are pretty good, granola bars (try to get versions that aren't loaded with sugar, although i'm addicted to these dark chocolate chunk bars and they aren't too healthy, at least only 150 cals), or just plain granola with lowfat yogurt and throw some berries in there mmm. Plus you can wake up a little earlier and pack a yummy sandwich and salad so you won't be tempted to fast food it or something. Oh yeah and these aren't necessarily the healthiest food, but if you want to eat chips, try baked kettle chips! The reduced fat sea salt and vinegar ones are soo good and they only have like 150 cals or so for like twenty some chips, its awesome.
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