Massive Fitness NSV for the day

I'm so pumped!! Just participated in my first Minnesota Vixen's football team practice and I was freaking awesome! I was the oldest rookie there, but kept up with the women who are 20 years younger than me and even passed a few of them! Caught more than I dropped, didn't finish in the back of the pack and didn't leave the field for the two hours in the blazing sun! OOO-RAH! Talk about a high!

This is such a big deal for me because it's the very first time in my life (I'm 42) that I have felt even adequate participating in a team sport situation. I was morbidly obese from kindergarten on and always felt like crap upon attempting any sport. Used to hate gym, field days, presidents fitness tests, etc. because I always finished last. Since I've been working out for a while now I decided I'd push myself to go outside the box. I've been looking for a sport and met the Vixen this summer. They asked me to come try out (something I would've NEVER thought of myself). Today I felt not only adequate, but capable, athletic, agile and excellent!

Did I say OOO-RAH! already?!!! OOO-RAH!!! Pumped!
