Can anyone see where I am going wrong?

I have lost about 65 lbs so far(in about 3 1/2 months) but within the last month, my weight loss has really slowed, now almost halted. I have my diary open, can anyone see where I am going wrong? I am looking for honesty. I weigh 229-230 now and am occasionally taking appetite suppressants. I do at LEAST 30 minutes of cardio or circuit training per day. Please help!


  • acar414
    acar414 Posts: 19
    I'm no expert, but I think you're not eating enough? And I think the packaged foods may be hurting you, those lean cuisines are full of sodium and most days it looks like you're coming close to your daily allowance for sodium, sometimes even going over. I think you need to start eating cleaner food. Also could be your building muscle and thats why you're not seeing a difference in the scale. Are you taking measurements?
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    What does your circuit training and cardio consist of?
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have lost about 65 lbs so far(in about 3 1/2 months) but within the last month, my weight loss has really slowed, now almost halted. I have my diary open, can anyone see where I am going wrong? I am looking for honesty. I weigh 229-230 now and am occasionally taking appetite suppressants. I do at LEAST 30 minutes of cardio or circuit training per day. Please help!

    Nix eating out. Your sodium intake is too high. Think water retention. Also, cook more whole foods at home. Toss the Lean Cuisine meals. They are unappetizing, too small in portion and not that good. Convenient, maybe but not good.

    Prepare more foods from scratch. Load up on fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat simply prepared meats and fish.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    What does your circuit training and cardio consist of?

    Agreed on the Lean Cuisines, I was eating large salads and a lot of fresh veggies for lunch then switched to these, that may be a factor. And I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I workout on the elliptical.
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    Bump up your daily calories. On days when I burn 600 or 700 calories, I eat really close to 2000. And I'd stop the lean cuisine if I were you. I know they are easy as I used to eat them all the time. They are packed with sodium and crap. They really aren't that healthy, they are just easy because they are one meal and tell you your calories. Find something else, anything else. Do a salad of some sort every day for lunch. But seriously, bump up your calorie intake.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    So you think lower sodium will help me out?
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    What does your circuit training and cardio consist of?

    Agreed on the Lean Cuisines, I was eating large salads and a lot of fresh veggies for lunch then switched to these, that may be a factor. And I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I workout on the elliptical.

    Depending on how hard your working the Jillian Micheals MFP may be overestimating your calories. I might add some cardio on the JM days like 30 minutes of walking. Eat at least your BMR everyday.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I was looking at the calories and am wondering what you have it set at. We all hit plateaus and it is 100% common especially with the loss you have had. What are you fat/carb/protein % set at. Besides the circuit training are you doing any other exercises? I noticed on some days you are only eating 760 calories and some 2000. That's a huge calorie change. At the minimum I would stick to 1100 calories if not 1200. Not eating enough calories can also have the affect of no weight loss.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    Bump up your daily calories. On days when I burn 600 or 700 calories, I eat really close to 2000. And I'd stop the lean cuisine if I were you. I know they are easy as I used to eat them all the time. They are packed with sodium and crap. They really aren't that healthy, they are just easy because they are one meal and tell you your calories. Find something else, anything else. Do a salad of some sort every day for lunch. But seriously, bump up your calorie intake.

    Yeah, I have tried that before, I always feel like if I do that, that the weight will start coming back on...
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Did you recently increase your workout length or intensity?

    Your eating looks fine. Sodium doesn't inhibit fat loss (just water loss) and neither does restaurant food or Twinkies. I just glanced at your last week's calorie totals. Calories is all that affects fat loss. The rest matters to satiety and general health.

    You've lost a lot of weight. Your body might just be on a rest from it. It might just take being patient and waiting it out.
  • I have lost about 65 lbs so far(in about 3 1/2 months) but within the last month, my weight loss has really slowed, now almost halted. I have my diary open, can anyone see where I am going wrong? I am looking for honesty. I weigh 229-230 now and am occasionally taking appetite suppressants. I do at LEAST 30 minutes of cardio or circuit training per day. Please help!

    i had a month or two where nothing budged than i saw on a forum post a lady found out her weight loss in kilos and bought bags of rice in that amount. she filled a rucksack. carried her extra lbs she started with around with her.... this sounds crazy but, i did it, the lbs started falling off again, and its so much motivation to feel how much you have lost. you wont believe how heavy that bag is!!!!!!!!! last week i lost 5 lbs, without any rastic mesures, you just burn more calories the more you weigh. it gets harder as you loose!!! good luck and stay on track, you have done sooooooooo well all ready!!! xx im gonna keep adding each kg i loose, till i feel the bag!!! my boyf couldnt believe how much it weighed!!!!
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    You're eating NOWHERE NEAR enough fruit and vegetables. On some days I can only see ONE entry of each (e.g. 1 cup of peas or 1 cup of broccoli). You need 5 serves of veges and 2 serves of fruit per day just to meet your vitamin and mineral needs.

    I would suggest making everything (most things?) from scratch rather than from a packet. You will know exactly what goes into it, you have more control over caloric/macro intake because you can add/subtract as much as you want.

    Definitely nix the lean cuisine meals. You're not learning how to eat healthily by buying packaged food. You don't want to be stuck eating them for the rest of your life because that's the only way you know how to stay at the weight you want. It's much better for you to learn how to cook healthy and filling foods from scratch as that will serve you in the long run too. :)

    I hope that helps. Good luck with the rest of your weight loss journey and congratulations on your progress so far!
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    took a look at your diary.... i agree w/ the other comments.

    too much processed food- not enough fruits and veggies. also, that's an INSANE amount of weight to lose in 3 months! Most likely your body is just re-adjusting. just stay true to yourself and you'll push thru! ive had like 5 plateaus since last sept-- helps to mix it up to break thru them

    great job!
