6 months to InVitro

just2bfit Posts: 21
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am going to have a FET in March 2010 and have until then to loose @ 60 lbs.
It is an exciting time, but I am nervous about making my goal. Overall, I just want to be as fit as I can before another pregnancy.
If you have any creative ways to workout in the extreme cold please post me a reply or if you have any input on IVF or FET :0)


  • jewely82
    jewely82 Posts: 52 Member
    First of all: I'm sorry that you are dealing with IF. I agree that you were definitely blessed to get pregnant on the 1st try with IVF before (I read your profile). Hopefully you will be just as lucky come March.

    I am dealing with IF myself. However, we haven't gotten as far as IVF. We are still trying to figure out what the problem is with one or both of us. It has been 2 1/2 years since we started trying so I am definitely anxious to figure out what is wrong so we can work on fixing it.

    Losing 60 pounds in 6 months is a big goal, but I know you can do it. You have found a great site to help you reach it. There are a lot of wonderful tools and helpful people to help you do your best.

    Living in an area that it gets extremely cold can definitely make working out harder, but it is still something you can accomplish. I lived in North Dakota for a few years and it would frequently get down to -40 with the wind chill during the winter so I have some idea of what you are going through (it probably gets a lot colder in Alaska, but I wouldn't know from experience). Some things I did were running up and down the stairs in my apartment building, doing bicep curls when bringing my groceries, and power walking around the mall. Work out videos are also a great help because you don't have to leave home to exercise.

    Good luck with your journey to becoming healthier. Set yourself smaller goals along the way so you can celebrate your small victories. It makes it easier than focusing on one large goal. Keep at it and you can reach your goal. :wink:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you for your words of encouragement, it was very thoughtful of you to post.

    I have PCOS, and that is the cause of my infertility. We were very fortunate to work with a great group of Drs in Hawaii who did not put me through IUIs or Clomid, knowing it would not likely succeed. My husband and I had been married for 7 yrs at the point in which we had our son. A great way to start is a simple hormone panel for yourself, and then a procedure (allbeit not comfortable) called hysterosalpingiogram (HSG) to check the patency of your fallopian tubes. Your hubby will have it easy with just a sperm analysis :0). We have such complicated parts.

    If you do get to IVF I hope that I can be an encouragement to you. A lot of women get discouraged with the procedure, not because of success rates exclusively, just the not so routine routine of giving yourself shots. The expense is also frustrating, but I would pay every dime plus all I could for my little boy. What a blessing God has granted us. I will pray for you if that is okay because I know it is very trying.

    Thank you for the workout tips. I plan to get a few tapes and use my Wii active and fit. My 3 yr old likes to do the stairs so that should be an easy add on :smile: Oh, I wish we had a mall, I would be all about walking in the mall. We are fortunate to have Old Navy and that is about as far as shopping gets in the upper last frontier :)
    Thanks again for your post.
  • :happy:
    Thank you for your kind words. I see you post to a lot of the new ppl on here, and I think that is amazing. I also like your claim verse, it has lifted me up more than once! Great job on 47 lbs, and I hope you see the 50 lb mark soon.
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