Anyone binge on their first day? All I want right now is chocolate.


  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    OMG ME. Wheat bread is the worst offender, but in lieu of wheat (I never buy ANYTHING with wheat when I know my period is coming up lol), bananas and oatmeal are the first to go, haha.
  • sheanie84
    sheanie84 Posts: 4
    haha, oh the joy of womanhood right? My binge usually is the day right before day one... I want anything and EVERYTHING. Pizza, chocolate, salty anything, fatty anything, sugary anything... It can get pretty outa hand ;) I try to limit my access to the grocery store that day. (not that it helps much) But yes, always want chocolate, thank you mother nature!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i don't have a period. so nope.
  • Kona2014
    Kona2014 Posts: 38
    A whole week of binging for me.... followed by a week of no appetite. CrAzY.
  • JDI1443
    JDI1443 Posts: 9
    A whole week of binging for me.... followed by a week of no appetite. CrAzY.

    Me also!
  • Only two days before do I notice a major increase in my appetite.. I just ate a massive bowl of popcorn, a good piece of banana bread with butter, cherries and an oatmeal cookie. Earlier today I had french toast and Lindt chocolate. I don't feel too bad about it since my appetite cuts in half as soon as it starts.. But def very predictable behaviour for me!