I need help...badly.



  • kac_88
    kac_88 Posts: 5
    I feel the same way! I have had a lot of ups and downs recently, and I have realized that I need to be more strict about my diet choices. I have good motivation to loose weight, I just lack will-power to say no, and that's what I need to work on.

    I am also looking for more friends/support on here. I have some friends, but only one or two people interact with me. To be honest, I'm better at logging food and exercise when I know others are watching!

    I sent you and a few others a friend request. And anyone else is welcome to add me as a friend for mutual support! :)
  • hopeski32
    hopeski32 Posts: 4 Member
    Watch the documentary "Forks Over Knives" at http://www.hulu.com/watch/279734/ . It goes into detail about our eating habits and how it has affected our health. There are medical doctors who have cured life-threatening diseases using a plant-based diet. It motivated me to eat more "plant food". Just know that leading a healthy life doesn't happen over night. Don't beat yourself up, but try as hard as you can to change your habits. My coworker keeps telling me to give myself 28 days to change a bad habit. I've almost completely given up sweets. I still have a piece of sugar free candy or dessert now and then. I haven't been on this site for over a year. I just took my measurements and have gained 5lbs, and 2 inches on my waist during my "absence" It is what it is. I had to have a little outpatient procedure last month and it snapped me back into reality: every day that you don't TRY to eat right and exercise is a day that you give away to sickness and disease. I need help, too. We all do!
  • greeniam
    greeniam Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all so much! I really appreciate all of the replies.