Hello! Support needed here!

Hi everyone! I'm officially a little over half way on my journey that I began at the beginning of this year. I hate New Years Resolutions, so I made a goal. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and make lifestyle changes for a healthier me. Engagement (hopefully!) will be in my future with my boyfriend of 4 years, and I want to be comfortable and confident in myself when that time comes for photos, wedding dress shopping etc, and eventually down the line I want to be a good role model when it is time to have children. A lot of my friends have stopped logging or are slowly dropping out. I'm in this for the long haul and to maintain, so I'm looking for people who the same. I look forward to your requests and support! Have a great weekend!


  • karibeargirl
    karibeargirl Posts: 249 Member
    Well.. you will get a lot of support on here:) Great job btw, making the commitment is the first step to losing the weight!!! feel free to add me:)
  • saramerino
    saramerino Posts: 10
    Hello svayo52, congratulations on all your hard work so far, you should feel very proud and accomplished of all you have done. Also congratulations on being with your boyfriend for 4 years. :D There's so many people on this site who look like they support each other, its like a small little community. Feel free to count on me as a support, I too want to reach my goal. Have an amazing day! :smile:
  • timeforsomethingsweet
    timeforsomethingsweet Posts: 131 Member
    Very creative profile pic! Feel free to add me if you'd like =) Best of luck to you!! :smile: