new and loving this program, carb suggestions<

My goal is to lose 20 lbs. I have been doing this for 4 weeks and have gradually lost 7 pounds eating 1200 calories a day (I started at 165lbs). This is an awesome program - I switched from because it had fewer foods listed that I eat regularly.

But my carbs are always too high. I have a cup of hot cereal for breakfast and a cup of grains with dinner, plus the carbs that come with fruit, etc. Any suggestions or should I not worry? According to my nutrition book, I should be at 79-109 range.

P.S. I am a vegetarian.



    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Welcome! But I don't know what to tell you about the carbs. I'm usually over on protein and fats - so it's backwards for me. But if it's working for you, it can't be all bad, as long as you are getting some Fats and Proteins in your diet. Perhaps you can research the minimum that you need in fats and protein and make sure you get that minimum - then it shouldn't matter too much.

    In any case, welcome!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Whatever % of carbs you are doing shouldn't matter much since you are being successful at losing. Congratulations on the progress so far!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Veggitarians usually are high on the carb side. This shouldn't be a problem as long as you are still getting a good amount of healthy fat and protein, protein being very important. Try adding Hemp to your gains as it is a high source of protein and may help balance the carbs/protein balance.
  • LittleEva44
    Hi! :flowerforyou: I am 5'8" STARTED @ 189 pounds (January 2009) and NOW weigh 172.8 pounds [15 September 2009] (I am currently wearing my size 8 jeans to work; dress down day today).:happy: :happy:

    The amount of calories is PERFECT for you! I myself am @ 1,250 calories. Just make sure you drink 64 oz of water daily; work out 3 days a week for 30 minutes; then you'll work out for an hour and "maybe" sneak in another day of workout by working on "weights". Take your vitamins/supplements, talk to your doctor before exercising/dieting, stop eating 2-3 hours BEFORE you go to sleep, use extra virgin olive oil (this is yummy to dip wheat bread when you make your wheat spaghetti); speaking of "wheat" eat wheat products: bread, spaghetti, cereal, etc. Be wise and use coupons found in your local newspaper, eat fruits and veggies, snack on "any" type of nut (walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds are best), drink skim/soy milk, yogurt, have salads WITHOUT dressing (ask for extra virgin olive oil @ restaurants/use at home), stay away from POPS/SODAS (drink diet sodas/pops once a day if not, once a week), don't eat "fried foods" (french fries, potato chips, etc), try eating Baked Lays, air popped popcorn, buy a pizza stone ($29.99) and you can create your own delicious VEGGIE home made pizzas with Boboli wheat pizza crust (already made); veggies to your hearts content, one can of refried beans (protein), one can of whole kernel corn (drained), and lite mozzarella cheese...yum! You can eat the Oreda crinkle cut fries that you bake in the oven, stay away from the salt shaker, stay AWAY from processed foods, foods made with hydrogenated oils (cookies, cakes, pies, etc).

    Don't drink COFFEE. Drink Chai black/green tea instead. Chew gum all day. It keeps your mouth "busy". I've also heard/learned that before you eat a meal eat your veggie soup first. Since it helps fill you up before the main course.

    Please, please, please weigh yourself "monthly". We women have PMS, mood swings, bloating, water gain (we retain water) two weeks before we mensturate; thus the reason why I ask you to weigh yourself monthly. I swear (Eva crossing her finger and doing a "cross" by her :heart: ) you WILL lose 3-4 pounds every month. If you do the "math" that's THE average of 1 pound a week. This helps you from NOT getting discouraged IF, if, you weigh yourself daily/weekly.

    30 minutes before you work out eat one of the following (check out the OR), one apple, OR one small box of raisins with a handful of walnuts, OR "veggie" soup, OR yogurt. Why? "They are packed with high-quality carbohydrates, which provide a quick source of fuel for your muscles, but they have just enough protein and fat to help you maintain a steady, elevated energy level" (source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).

    AFTER your work out, drink a protein shake (Slimfast, Special K, etc). Why? "After a workout, your muscles need protein to repair microscopic muslce tears, plus another shot of carbs to help restock energy stores. Cyclists who drank it after a tough racing session had improved endurance and recovered fast than those who drank an ordinary sports drink (which supplies carbs and electrolytes, but no protein)" (Source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).

    Set small goals for right now. Start with the FIRST 10 pounds. If you work out and eat right (the first month WITHOUT cheating), you'll lose 5-6 pounds (mainly water retention weight) because you are flushing your body (detoxing). THEN the weight will be HARDER to lose. Remember, it's soooo easy to gain the weight, but hard to lose it. "No pain, no gain!" No worries if the weight is harder to lose since it means that it is time to "up" your exercise regimen (1 hour 3-4 days a week). When you've lost the weight, then you can go "up" to 1,500 calories (maybe for the last stubborn 10 pounds). If you closely watch "THE BIGGEST LOSER" they have to lose more than 50 pounds; their calorie intake is 1,000-1,100. Wow! Bless their :heart: for doing that!!!

    If you want more "tips" let me know as you know how to reach me. Blessings and good luck!
