Mind of an ADDICT *WARNING: Long Winded Brutal Honesty*



  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Yes, the reality is WE LOVE FOOD!!!! It amazes me that some people don't understand that. How can something I find to be so pleasurable just mean "oh yeah, I eat cause you gotta" to someone else.

    I want to tell you about a program I came across through a friend who was appx. 5'8" tall and I'm guessing about 225-250 pounds. I knew her for about 15 years, but hadn't seen her for 2 or 3 years. My daughter is best friends with her daughter, and told me she was losing weight, and so was my daughter's friend. Her friend was 15, about 5"11" tall, and easily 275-300 pounds. They both were down to about a size 5 or 7. I was amazed and asked her what she'd done. She sent me to:

    Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

    This is different that Overeaters Anonymous. The first thing I noticed was that at least half the people in the room were somewhere between thin and normal in size. I'd never seen that at a Weight Watcher's or OA meeting. Their program is AA based and is stricter than the OA program. They have a website, and if you're a true food addict I really think these people could be of help to you if you will give them and the program a chance.

    I'm 46, and when I was younger I too thought there was absolutely no hope and I would be miserable forever. I think you may find that if you can work through some of the addictive issues you may find that you enjoy many more things in life. Also, it's almost always helpful to find a counselor to talk about these and other issues. Been there, done that, and very happy with who I am now - even with the excess weight. Now I'm just perfecting myself :bigsmile:

    You can work through this - just find the help you need, whether it be MFP, the group I mentioned, something else, or all of the above put together. I'll be thinking of you:flowerforyou:
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    I don't think you are in the least bit weak - in fact, I think you've got a lot of courage to be so open with your struggles. I can't say that I am a food addict, but I definitely am an emotional eater, and a life long yo-yo dieter. But - like you, I refuse to give up! I intend to see this one through and I definitely find that MFP helps - my MFP pals inspire me to work out and eat healthy, encourage me, and offer advice that keeps me motivated and on track. Feel free to add me for support and motivation - you can never have enough cheerleaders in your corner.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    I love food too (especially cake) and anything to do with caramel. . . caramel. . . caramel. . .

    But, for me, it's time to Rule #5 (http://www.velominati.com/the-rules/#5). I've only been in since second week of March. . . tapered off in June, but now it's hammer down.