
Hi all. I have a question about running and the elliptical. I am doing the couch to 5K thing but I loathe running outside. I have an elliptical that I just pulled up from the basement and am planning to use that instead of going outside. My question is, how different would it be using the elliptical to actual running? If I do the program as intended, only on the elliptical, will I be able to get out and actually run the 5K when I'm done or is it different? I would imagine getting my endurance up is the most important part, but are the movements and the training the same?

Thanks for the input.


  • chicka200413
    I am no expert. But to me, they are REALLY different. I can only run for like 3 min at a slow pace, and on the elliptical I can go for over an hour.... at a pretty quick pace
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The muscels get worked quite differently on the 2 machines. You may be able to go out and run the 5K that way but your time will most likely be much slower than what you get on the eliptical, and you will be much more sore the next day as the muscels get worked differently. If you are fine with that then go for it, taining for a 5k on the eliptical is better than not training at all.
  • abatres7
    elliptical is suppose to simulate the body in motion while running. Its lower impact on your knees etc...
  • ldbenincasa
    Hmmm...I am an injured runner who is currently keeping up my cario on the elliptical. I have a very slow healing hip flexor injury. I can tell you a couple of things from my experience. First, it definitely uses different muscles, hence the reason I am able to do the elliptical without pain or increased injury. Second, I personally go a shorter distance on the elliptical than I do running in the same amount of time. Third, I burn more calories (per the amount of time) on the elliptical than I do running. Fourth, as a person who has done the C25K program, I think you would have some difficulty replicating the experience on the elliptical, as the slower elliptical motion is more like stair climbing than running. In other words, in the C25K program you are supposed to run for a certain amount of time, then walk for a certain amount of time. Even if the fast "running" motion of elliptical is similar (which I am not sure it is), the slow "walking" motion on the elliptical is definitely different than actual walking. Maybe this depends on how you personally move on the elliptical, but I suspect that at some point in the fast/slow part of the workout you are going to be replicating a stair climbing motion, not running or walking. On the positive side, it is a great workout, good cross training and good for cardio conditioning.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I haven't used the elliptical in awhile, just pulled it out from the basement. Maybe I'll try to get both in there. Or, I'll try to tailor the training on the elliptical to get me to the running I want.

    I have a pretty decent ellitpical that I can increase the resistance on, maybe that would help make it more comparable to running.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Hmmm...I am an injured runner who is currently keeping up my cario on the elliptical. I have a very slow healing hip flexor injury. I can tell you a couple of things from my experience. First, it definitely uses different muscles, hence the reason I am able to do the elliptical without pain or increased injury. Second, I personally go a shorter distance on the elliptical than I do running in the same amount of time. Third, I burn more calories (per the amount of time) on the elliptical than I do running. Fourth, as a person who has done the C25K program, I think you would have some difficulty replicating the experience on the elliptical, as the slower elliptical motion is more like stair climbing than running. In other words, in the C25K program you are supposed to run for a certain amount of time, then walk for a certain amount of time. Even if the fast "running" motion of elliptical is similar (which I am not sure it is), the slow "walking" motion on the elliptical is definitely different than actual walking. Maybe this depends on how you personally move on the elliptical, but I suspect that at some point in the fast/slow part of the workout you are going to be replicating a stair climbing motion, not running or walking. On the positive side, it is a great workout, good cross training and good for cardio conditioning.

    Thanks for this. It does make sense when you put it that way.

    I really was only doing the c25k because of how its set up. I like that its all laid out there and there is a goal in the end. I have no desire to run anymore than the 5K as running isn't really my ultimate goal, its to get in shape really. I might have to figure something else out if I really do want to do a 5K at the end.
  • blakgarnet
    I am also doing the couch to 5K as an attempt to mix up my exercise routine. Normally I do a lot of work on the elliptical and the work I am doing for the C25K feels totally different when I am working on the treadmill. Good luck, but I don't think it would have the same results.