Can't eat fish (can't stand it's taste)

Hi there

I am not able to get past the really fishy taste or maybe it's the texture of fish i just can't handle. I can eat canned tuna a number of ways and i can manage to get battered haddock down with lots of tar tar sauce but that's about it. Does anyone have any suggestions how to get past the texture part? i have tried sole in lemon juice on a plank before that was ok but haven't done it since i just didn't really enjoy it. For now i am going to turn to supplements to get my fish oil and omega fatty acids.


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    If you don't enjoy it don't force yourself.
    I do tend to find though most that "don't like something" just haven't tried the prep-method that works for them...

    poach it, steam it, broil it, grill it, bake it.

    there's tons more than just tuna, salmon, haddock

    pollock, cod, tilapia each have their own flavour / texture and you may find a better prep method that you actually enjoy to get past the texture.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    If you prepare as "cakes" then you don't have the regular texture.

    I put the link above so you know what I mean by "cake". I am not saying it is a super healthy recipe but doesn't look like the NI would be that bad. I still fry foods but I know some people are very against it. Not sure why if you watch the oil you add it isn't that bad and not like these are deep fried, just pan fried in a bit of oil.

    I do this all the time with salmon and mackerel. I like fish I just really suck at cooking it right so if I cook like this then I don't worry about screwing it up and not having dinner.