Twice a day?



  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    As long as your nutrition is in order, and you've split your weightlifting such that you're not overtraining any muscle group- you're good. Nutrition's got to be tight, though.
    Thanks! I recently went low-carb, and I think my body has made the switch to fat-for-fuel. I feel great, I'm eating lots of vegetables, healthy fats and protein (non-processed, mostly organic). I effortlessly ran about 3 miles today, and 10 minutes after I finished, felt like I just might be able to do it again.
    I take vitamins and flax oil, and I listen to my body on the weights.

    Sex twice a day is fabulous too! But it's pretty difficult when hubby is out of town! (like today...) :-P
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Nope, I don't see anything wrong with it. WITH THE EXCEPTION that you must have at least one rest day. Workout too much and your progress can actually stall. Glad that you have tons of energy!! I get the same way and want to hit the gym like crazy. Resting and getting enough sleep is just as important as your workouts, though.
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    Actually I would prefer sex twice a day.

    I would LOVE this!!! LOL.
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Nope, I don't see anything wrong with it. WITH THE EXCEPTION that you must have at least one rest day. Workout too much and your progress can actually stall. Glad that you have tons of energy!! I get the same way and want to hit the gym like crazy. Resting and getting enough sleep is just as important as your workouts, though.
    Yeah that's no problem, I work out 4-6 days tops, and I'm always listening to how I feel. I frequently get about 9 hours of sleep a night, and I drink lots of water. Maybe this is why I feel so freakin' fantastic....
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    In weight training it's called the split routine. Chest, back and arms in the morning, thighs, abs, and calves in the evening.
  • You need to be careful with that because if you are trying to build muscle as well then I wouldnt do that much cardio. The reason being with that much cardio your body will turn burn muscle for natural energy instead of fat. That is why they recommend only up to around 40 mins of cardio a day. You haven't seen many really buff marathon runners have you? :wink:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You need to be careful with that because if you are trying to build muscle as well then I wouldnt do that much cardio. The reason being with that much cardio your body will turn burn muscle for natural energy instead of fat. That is why they recommend only up to around 40 mins of cardio a day. You haven't seen many really buff marathon runners have you? :wink:

    1) you can't build muscle on a deficit, with a few unlikely exceptions.
    2) You can counteract the muscle cannibalization by proper nutrition (read: enough protein) and strength training.
    3) I have seen buff marathon runners.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    In weight training it's called the split routine. Chest, back and arms in the morning, thighs, abs, and calves in the evening.

    Split routines are usually done over several days- splitting your routine like this and lifting daily doesn't allow enough repair time.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i like breaking up my workouts like this as well, especially since now i'm unemployed for a while and want to take advantage of it while i can.

    i always do my hardest workout the first workout of the day. so on lifting day that's the 5*5 stuff, on cardio days it's any HIIT or running.

    the 2nd workout is low impact stuff, medium intensity cardio, yoga, or playing in the pool