Turkey Burger Help!!



  • poodlelaise
    poodlelaise Posts: 149 Member
    I tried a new recipe for turkey burgers last night.

    1 lb ground turkey
    1/4 cup seasoned bread crumbs
    1/4 cup egg beaters
    1 tsp smoked paprika

    They tasted great, but were a little moist for grilling. I think I will use a little more bread crumbs next time, or use the 20 oz pack of turkey.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    more great ideas on Turkey burgers I'd not seen before.. thanks!

    On a separate note:

    Reina I hadn't realized SDA didn't eat all the foods you shared, interesting to know, thanks.
    Some people can't eat pork. It makes them sick. Some people can't eat pork for religious reasons. In those cases, Turkey burgers and turkey bacon are the obvious choices and it's healthier. It's got a lot less salt and fat. I'm one of those people who got deathly ill from eating pork and back in 2005, I was baptized in the Seventh Day Adventist church and, like Jews, we don't eat pork, shellfish, muscles, fish that don't have both scales and fins, animals with paws, animals that don't chew the cud and have split hoofs, snakes, insects and certain birds are considered unclean according to God. Like the Jews, we follow the Leviticus diet. Many are strict vegetarians. A study done a while back showed that 7th Day Adventists are healthier and live longer than the general population and they credited the diet and lifestyle that we keep. Unlike Jews, we abstain from alcohol as well. I, personally, like a nice all beef burger or hot dog or even a nice steak on occasion. Those are clean meats according to God. I just try to do it in moderation. One thing I love is salmon burgers. Those are tasty and really healthy. A great alternative if you get sick of turkey burgers.