Got off track...

A couple weeks ago, I got off track. I just had too much happening at the moment. I had my son's first birthday party to plan and was starting a new job the day after his party. I was stressed to the max. I ended up sliding off track a little bit. I wasn't eating like I needed to be, and because of time limitations and a sore knee, I also wasn't working out. I thought to myself, "Okay, I'll just let it go this time, and get back to it tomorrow." However, I'm having such a hard time following through! In all, I've almost lost 20 lbs (I lost a few before finding MFP). I have been lucky enough not to gain any back so far, and I really don't want to lose any progress I've made. I'm just having so much trouble getting back into the swing of things!!

So, if any of you have had this happen, what helped you get back on track?


  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Hi friend! This has definitely happened to me a few (ahem: several) times, and one thing that's really helped me is to prelog my food for the next day. I find that after a few days of that my mind and body are back on track. I also find a relatively short-term goal to work towards, like a 5K in 6-8 weeks' time, and register. Then I feel like I have something specific to work towards.

    Good luck! We're here if you need us!
  • SouthernSweetie74
    I'm going through the exact same thing. I was doing so well. I had lost close to 30 pounds. Then, I got sick. Very sick. I was in bed for almost two and a half weeks. I couldn't keep much down, so I didn't care about how healthy what I did eat was. And I couldn't exercise at all. So, now that I'm back to normal, well, I've got to get my butt back in gear!!!

    We can do this!
  • Olivia486
    Olivia486 Posts: 10
    I went grocery shopping today. Planned out my food for the week in advance, so that should get me back on track. And I'll probably be registering for my first 5k soon. It's only 8 weeks away! I have some training to do!