Going to do it - Couch to 5 K!



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    We just check in as often as we want. Some of us are beginngers, some of us are on week 9. Most of us post everyday...giving each other tips and motivation. :smile:
  • leavinglasvegas
    We are still on for starting tomorrow, right? Are we checking in on this thread? Or starting another?

  • clacourse
    clacourse Posts: 41 Member
    I am starting tomorrow. I almost did it today... but I figured I would wait for you guys. :wink: We can check in wherever. I have no preference. :smile: I would really like to go find a sports bra... but it may have to wait until I get paid on Friday. LOL!
  • leavinglasvegas
    Awesome! I'm not sure what time I will get out to do it, but I'll check in asap! Good luck:bigsmile: !!!
  • shellybelly83
    I did this program about 2 years ago, and ended up doing a half marathon about 6 months after I finished it. I am going to start this program again tomorrow, along with P90X that I already started.

    I loved running, I just don't know why I quit. LOL
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Looks like you have a good group going here - I think you'll get a lot out of starting and going through together.

    I joined the other thread a couple of weeks ago - very supportive group. Whichever you choose, I'll be rooting for you!!!!

    I started last April and did everything up to the 20 minute run. I stopped because I didn't think I could run for 20 minutes. I started again in August . Today I completed week 8 day 1 (aka W8D1). You can do this! Really!

    Oh, and by the way - my wt loss has really increased since this round of c25k... I'd lost 5 lbs from January through August - I'm now down 16.

    Good luck with your first run tomorrow!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I've been wanting to try the couch to 5K, but was wanting to get a treadmill to do it on because i didn't feel comfortable with the idea of running outside. in my way of thinking i'd do it on the treadmill, and then once i wasn't as heavy i could run outside. (I'm 230lbs, my moms 206lbs)

    But i just don't have the funds for a treadmill right now, and after reading several stories from other members who have started this program I've decided i'm just going to go for it, outside and all!

    So starting monday my mom and I are going to be doing day 1! we'll be running mon, wed and fri no matter the weather. weekends are crazy busy, so thats the only time we have!

    So, what site is everyone following? I found coolrunning when i searched google.

    Also, i've heard of these podcasts....do they have them for mp3 players, and if so where would i find a good one? i'm so excited to start this!

    Don't wait for anything! Get out there and get started! I use Robert's podcasts http://www.ullreys.com/robert/Podcasts/podcasts/podcasts.html I didn't have an MP3 player, but I did have a cell phone that could play MP3s, so I learned how to load them (downloaded the mp3/mp4 files & attached a cable to the cell phone and computer and just copied them to the cell phone like it was a thumb drive).
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member

    Will those podcasts work on a normal mp3 player? I'm not all savvy... don't have an ipod. LOL Or do they just need an mp3 player with a video capability?

    You don' t need video. I think MP3 doesn't have video anyway, MP4 does. I play the MP4 version of weeks 7 through 9 files on my phone - works fine.
  • schtuf1207
    I was trying to delete my post but I guess I can't once I submit it...ok sorry guys-I'm new to this!!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    theres an mp4? for real? lol! i'm so not up to date on electronic things!

    i got an awesome new digi scale on friday, measures body fat and a couple other things (can't remember lmao)

    i'm going to weigh in in the morning and i guess i'll start us a new topic from there, and i'll post the link to it here! looking forward to it!!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i really shouldn't have left trying to get my podcast thing for the last minute. because i'm not the smartest when it comes to stuff like this and i'm having a hard tiem figuring it out
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    Clacourse, WannabeaCullen and anyone else that wants to join us...i started a topic for us this morning, it can be found here :

  • leavinglasvegas

    this DJ has three different podcast archives to pick from -- choose the INTERVALS archive, and you will find a c25k series that build you up week by week. The music is disco-y/techno-y.... nice stuff.

    Thanks for this! I love techno and I loved every minute of W1D1! At first I felt like I wanted to stop and start dancing in the middle of the park! But I reminded myself that I was worried about what people would think of me as a fat girl running, so I would look like even more of an *kitten* as a fat girl randomly dancing in the park on a cold rainy afternoon all alone.:laugh:

    Anyway, it really made it enjoyable. Reminded me of when I was at my hottest, dancing till 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning then heading to the afterparty and dancing till sunrise! Every weekend! Great inspiration for me! And know I realize how I used to be so in shape!

  • shellybelly83
    There's also a hip hip podcast at kissmyblackass.org. It's pretty good, I normally don't listen to that type of music much, but I love it while I'm running. The beats are perfect for it. The only thing that is funny, is the gal who made the podcast thought her voice sounded funny when she announced when to run/walk, so she tried messing around with it and now it sounds like she inhaled helium before talking. :laugh:

    But it's pretty good. Mostly hip hop, but she does a Michael Jackson week, a Britney Spears week, and more.

    I'm thinking about making my own podcast for the program with rock music. If I do, I will post it here.