Is going by TDEE correct?

I am 19 years old and I weigh 125 pounds (56.9kg), 5 foot 2 (1.59m). I want to weigh 108 pounds (49kg). I do strength/weight training for an hour, 4 times a week and I do 45min cardio 2-3times a week. My BMR is 1398. So going on a 1200 calorie diet wouldn't bad for my body. I am currently eating at 1600 cal a day. Is this enough calories? My TDEE is 2411 but wouldn't that make me gain weight rather than lose?


  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    If you eat all your TDEE calories your weight will stay the same. To lose weight you should eat less than your TDEE. To lose weight the healthy way (and lose fat while keeping your muscle mass and metabolism high) you shouldn't eat too much less than your TDEE.

    If your TDEE is that much then 1200 calories is WAY too low. Subtract 30% from your TDEE and eat that, which is 1688 calories. You don't even need to go that low you'd still lose on a 15% deficit which would be 2049 calories