Want help...

Ok, I want help or advise on what to do...

Quick story is that I have a problem eating usually, I don't know why, but I dislike it...

However I am realising for what I have planned I need to eat right nutrition wise...

Ok for example, I had 1 egg, 1 toast, 1 handful of nik naks chips for breakfast/lunch yesterday, then went and ran 29.5km, so essentially 1 1/2 half marathons....

I am running a full one in september, I know I can do in 7hrs, but that is bad right? I need to do in 5hrs, however I did that in 4:13... Was a hill run that I don't expect anyone would do for fun or training, but I also wanted to look at the scenery as it was a mountain pass etc then over the sea and back over the mountain :)

Ok, my issue, my diary IS open, so look if that helps, but I have gained I think 3 pounds this week...

Is there anything wrong? I have looked over and past week I have upped my intake from around 1000-1200 calories to about 1500...

I am 5ft, male and weigh 65.6 now... On monday I was 65...

Any ideas? I want to be roughly 54.5kg eventually as my race weight, but even near there say 56 or 57 by end september would be much much appreciated... I can easily drop down again by going to old behaviours... but that I know isn't healthy, I am REALLY trying to be healthy about this...

Please? Suggestions? :(


  • Kalraii
    Kalraii Posts: 89
    I am by no means an expert but it seems that your concentrating alot on you weight. I have a few friends that regularly run marathons (nothing as long as yours which is amazing btw!!) but as far as they were concerned it was important to provide fuel regularly for their body and to concentrate on their fitness levels? Like I said I'm no expert :P But are worrying about the weight gain because it'll adversely affect your training or for more personal reasons?

    Best of luck! :smile:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    You're training for a marathon, yes? In that case, you probably need more food. Go here and calculate how much you need: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Well I am more worried that I guess personally I am not happy at this weight... I want to be lighter, but don't want to be unhealthy when training...

    Thanks for that tool, am going to check out for sure!

    I know if I really want I can accelerate it and go in neg cals eating neg cal foods etc etc and will drop quick... but I know it will affect my training, and I am worried about that considering my marathon time is getting closer.

    Any tips ? busy checking out BMR, also a fitness instructor and coached actually laughed at the general idea here of eating back training cals fully.. Considering it should be to fuel muscles not just munch the calorie intake back... I agree with what they said... I mean, goal at 1200, trained 2000 off, so need to eat 3200 that day? how is that even remotely possible without junk food which negates the healthy part?

    I'm sure you mean well with eating back, but it isn't needed really is it? It should be just to fuel your muscles back up right?
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I think you're thinking too much about this! Just do your marathon training and eat enough. If you don't, as you have already stated, your training will be affected. You'll hurt no-one but yourself by eating 1200-1500 calories a day, while running huge amounts. Just try eating some food, not a bunch, not so much that you feel uncomfortable or sick, but enough. Try actually using the calculations fat2fit gives you, rather than over-thinking it. If it doesn't work, fine, adjust from there.
  • kaybee42
    kaybee42 Posts: 4 Member
    Im no expert - but take a look at Jason Vales Juice master site, The thing thats helping me is to remove or reduce man made carbs and stick to natural carbs like fruit and veg - hence the recommendation to look at Jason Vales stuff. If you dont like eating you can drink the veg & fruit by juicing them.

    He also has a runners juice which I used when doing a power walking marathon last year - it worked for me.

    Good luck