
my names Jesseca and im 5 foot and i weight 165 pounds as of july 15th 2012. my goal weight is 130 pounds! ive been cutting back on the junk and working out with a few of my friends they are all very suportive of me and what im trying to do for my self!

In march 2011 my mom passed away from stomach cancer out of no were she went into the hospital on march. 5 cause she her tummy hurt and she pass on the 12th, its been a ****ty go, after she passed i moved in with my boyfriend and his roommate and what i thought at that time was a good idea i was wrong. I moved in may of 2011 I started losing alot of weight by Augest I was about 120 and was about a size 5, i was hardley eatting but since i didnt have my mom i had no one to tell me what i was doing was wrong. my roommate was not a nice person very mean and just out right rude. he told me that i was indenile of my mothers death and that i was fake just really ripped me a new one cause my boyfriend would rather hang out and send time with me then him he got jelous, in Oct of 2011 I weighted 112 pounds.

After this i went into a worst depression and started looking for a way out, my boyfriend and I got a small place just for us, and he got me a kitty :) my best friend ever, things started to get better i started feeling better about myself and i started munching like a champ and all the goodies over x mas i now weight 165 and am a size 9, I realized that I could fit in any of my size 8s so i needed to start now before i have to much. I'm sticking to this now tho! I

I need friends lol add me!

love Jesseca