fell off the P90X wagon and trying to get back on!

I started P90X a few weeks ago, and got through the first two weeks and was already starting to see results, feel amazing, blah blah blah. I live in the DC area, and the weekend that I was about to start week 3, I lost power for four days due to the crazy storm we had a couple of weeks ago, and so couldn't do the workouts without a TV. Between that, moving the following weekend, and a crazy busy staff retreat week at work (as well as a couple of days where it was finally nice enough outside to go running!) I got some of the workouts in both of those weeks, but nowhere close to all of them. I'm planning to start again today, except instead of just moving on to Phase 2, which is where I should be on the schedule, I'm thinking of doing weeks 3 and 4 over again since I didn't fully do them the first time. What do you guys think? Is this a good idea/way to get back into it?

I also want to keep integrating running into my schedule whenever it's nice enough (my fall races aren't going to train for themselves!) and was wondering if people had thoughts on that, as well.
