one week in and I need support please

HI all,

I have been on my new diet for 7 days (inc today) so looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow morning and hopefully good news. I have 34ibs to lose. I am having an exante shake for breakfast and lunch and then a healthy meal for tea. Plus trying to have three litres of water throughout the day. I want to get rid of the weight before trying for a baby next year plus I am only few years away from being 40 and it seems to get harder to lose weight the older you are. I realise I just can't eat the way I used to (which was pretty unhealthy!)

I done the Liptrim diet (just shakes) for three months at the start fo 2006 and lost three stone so I know I can do it but motivation isn't great this time. I only weigh two and a half stone heavier than at my lightest when I stopped Lipotrim which is over six years ago so not bad I suppose.

Anyway this is me :) anyone what to be friends and support each other?

Clare x