When it Rains it Pours!

Well I'm still logging in daily but only a small portion of my food is actually getting logged. I had a coworker (who was 28) pass away Monday and his viewing on Friday. Friday morning I pulled something in my back by Friday evening I was in a lot of pain ( I did make it to the viewing though). Didn't get any sleep Friday night into Saturday. My back got worse and I couldn't move at all with out crying out in pain so I had to miss work yesterday, and then while i'm in excruciating pain my ex sister in law calls and tells me my cousin (who was 39) passed away unexpectedly! Now I'm waiting for arrangements on that death! Not really looking for sympathy but sometimes you just have to get things out in a public way so thanks if you read this and thought about me or said a little prayer. My back is a little better today but I think I'm gonna take it easy today so as not to hurt it even more!


  • suzanne_oh
    suzanne_oh Posts: 95 Member
    Well I'm still logging in daily but only a small portion of my food is actually getting logged. I had a coworker (who was 28) pass away Monday and his viewing on Friday. Friday morning I pulled something in my back by Friday evening I was in a lot of pain ( I did make it to the viewing though). Didn't get any sleep Friday night into Saturday. My back got worse and I couldn't move at all with out crying out in pain so I had to miss work yesterday, and then while i'm in excruciating pain my ex sister in law calls and tells me my cousin (who was 39) passed away unexpectedly! Now I'm waiting for arrangements on that death! Not really looking for sympathy but sometimes you just have to get things out in a public way so thanks if you read this and thought about me or said a little prayer. My back is a little better today but I think I'm gonna take it easy today so as not to hurt it even more!

    Emotional and physical pain all at once will be overwhelming. Take your time to do the "work" it will take to heal both emotionally and physically because if you don't the consequences can be devastating. I wish you continued healing and peace during this difficult time.
  • swfba
    swfba Posts: 12
    I'm sorry things are so tough for you at the minute. Two untimely deaths so close together must feel just dreadful. I hope that you can find a moment to just breathe and look after yourself.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    My prayers go out to you and your family.Sometimes life hits us a good punch and it's hard to understand
    why.You will get through this difficult time by surrounding yourself with loving caring friends and family.
    Foremost take care of yourself.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    I am so sorry for loss. I believe that it is helpful for you to share it and get support. While I am nurse and have seen and experienced a lot death in my many years, I have not (yet) lost anyone close to me. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Shana
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    It always seems that bad things come in groups of three. I am sorry to hear about these people in your life, and glad to hear your back is getting better. Deal with these things as much as you need and come back to MFP when you are ready.

    Best of luck to you!
  • andreamelo1
    andreamelo1 Posts: 161 Member
    so sorry to hear my prayers are with you and your family & remember everything works together for good so have faith everything will workout. i want to tell you alittle bit about my year we had our house burn down last october got a new home from insurance then it rained for 5 days straight 28-30 inches and we were stuck at home our cars got water logged and again will be repaired because of insurance so everything has a way of working out. there is nothing i can say to ease the pain of loosing someone i know however rest assured you will see them again someday :)
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I'm so sorry for your losses! Saying a quick prayer for you and yours. Please take care of yourself and get some rest.