One thing I will NEVER understand....



  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    TWO things I'll never understand:

    Cats and Men.

    Okay I will reveal the secrets to us:

    Feed Bacon and Beer (regularly for best effect)
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Why they write "contains propylene glycol" on packages of shredded coconut.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Packets of Peanuts or any other type of nuts that read on the label "may contain traces of nuts" well DUH!:noway: :grumble:
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    why is it they have PULL TABS on cat food but not on tuna fish cans???

    what about you......whats one thing you will never understand?

    If that was the ONE thing I will never understand, oh my, how would I spend all my time? I mean, I am so busy all day shaking my head and complaining about all the shi... er... stuff I don't get. Why do some people slow way down when the light is GREEN? Why does the person in front of me at the ATM seem to either be using a key pad for the first time in their lives OR that they are trying to execute a hostile corporate take-over from the sidewalk? Why does my blow dryer have a warning not to use it while I'm sleeping? How is it that my dog learned to sit on command in a week (and hasn't forgotten that lesson in 6 years) but my husband cannot learn how to consistently close the kitchen cabinets, the medicine cabinet or the garage door? Why does the meter reader inevitably park in MY driveway when I'm running late and trying to get out? Why is there almost never a good answer to the question "why?"
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    TWO things I'll never understand:

    Cats and Men.

    i'll give you cats.. what goes on in their little cat brains perplexes me..

    but men, they're easy.. feed them, if they're not hungry, give them sex... pretty simple.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    99.99% of humans in general...
  • Richie905
    Richie905 Posts: 1 Member
    TWO things I'll never understand:

    Cats and Men.

    Okay I will reveal the secrets to us:

    Feed Bacon and Beer (regularly for best effect)

    Men are EASY! See March 14th... ;o)
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    TWO things I'll never understand:

    Cats and Men.

    i'll give you cats.. what goes on in their little cat brains perplexes me..

    but men, they're easy.. feed them, if they're not hungry, give them sex... pretty simple.

    ^^^ This
  • nasoj007
    nasoj007 Posts: 35 Member
    They put the most obvious things on the packages to cover their *kitten* in case someone tries to sue them, that is what happened with the coffee cups at McDonalds, someone got burned from coffee and sued because there was no HOT warning, now there is....stupid, but that is the reasoning for the above...
    There is a MUCH bigger story behind this. I thought the same thing until I looked up the case and information regarding it and now I think that the lady should have asked for alot more money then she did.

    Really??? The lady put a HOT cup of black coffee between her legs, opened it and spilled it and then sued because she got burned. It's COFFEE, its made with boiling water, it will burn you. If you're careless enough to spill it all over yourself and get burned that's on you.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    why there is brail writing on an ATM drive through and why a plane taxiway is called a runway (u dont run on it) a driveway (you park on it not drive) and a parkway (where you drive not park) who the hell names these things??!?!!?
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    why is it they have PULL TABS on cat food but not on tuna fish cans???

    what about you......whats one thing you will never understand?

    I have to agree with this!!

    I cannot stand can openers, I swear they all hate me. I'm left handed too which makes it harder because they're all designed for "normal" people and it's hard!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    why there is brail writing on an ATM drive through

    Maybe your a passenger in the car, needing to get cash out :smile:
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Why people mix peanut butter with jelly gross!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Why people say "ink pen" and " pocket book"..
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    TWO things I'll never understand:

    Cats and Men.

    Okay I will reveal the secrets to us:

    Feed Bacon and Beer (regularly for best effect)

    Men are EASY! See March 14th... ;o)

    What happens on march 14th? other than sports?
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Why they say you can't have your cake and eat it too.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    TWO things I'll never understand:

    Cats and Men.
    Cats: What would you like to know?
    Men: I can't help you!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Why people say "I still have 'a ways' to go"
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Thanks, I needed a giggle!
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Why people are so bold and gangsta online but little soft putty tats offline...