Awkward healthy eating side effect.



  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    Whatever you do, don't try greek yoghurt with milled flax, pumpkin seeds and whey protein as a combination unless you are prepared to send people scurrying away for miles around, lol.

    OMG! Thanks for the tip.
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    Captain's "log" supplemental: one of the nice things about larger, more regular and healthy bowel movements is that feeling of "Ha! I just lost another half pound!" as it drops into the pan. Even if it's psychological, I do always feel bouncier after visiting the bathroom.

    Also, I do a lot of walking, in gym clothes, at speed. If people hog the pavement in a crowd, or stop dead in front of me, or do anything vaguely annoying, and I can get away with it without following through, I will let out a quiet fart in their general direction as I go past. I doubt it is noticed on the congested streets of London, but it gives me an evil pleasure.

    Not something I'd recommend doing at the gym, though.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Captain's "log" supplemental: one of the nice things about larger, more regular and healthy bowel movements is that feeling of "Ha! I just lost another half pound!" as it drops into the pan. Even if it's psychological, I do always feel bouncier after visiting the bathroom.

    Excellent title for a diet book "crap yourself slimmer".
  • arachniagirl
    arachniagirl Posts: 64 Member
    Strangely enough the last few days I have been less regular than usual..

    I never seem to poop as well anytime I restrict fats in my diet. Not sure what's up with that?
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I suffer with IBS symptoms and bad constipation. I've noticed a huge change since I started eating better.

    It wasn't a concious choice but I don't really eat cheese anymore, bread with yeast or yeast at all (totally bloats me and bad bad cramps), dairy etc. I only eat a small bit of milk on cereal in the morning. Pasta and rice are mostly out and if I do eat rice, it's brown.

    I feel soooo much better and my digestive tract obviously thanks me for it!
  • unapologeticallyemma
    unapologeticallyemma Posts: 134 Member
    I have to pee ALL the time... so frustrating
  • iieee
    iieee Posts: 39 Member
    Also, I do a lot of walking, in gym clothes, at speed. If people hog the pavement in a crowd, or stop dead in front of me, or do anything vaguely annoying, and I can get away with it without following through, I will let out a quiet fart in their general direction as I go past. I doubt it is noticed on the congested streets of London, but it gives me an evil pleasure.

    PMSL, that's awesome. :happy:

    I am suffering very much with the stinky bum bubbles at the moment. My 4 year old keeps telling me her baby brother has pooed in his nappy, and I'm like, errrrm yes he has.:blushing:
  • thistime38
    thistime38 Posts: 62
    I suffered with awful anxiety every day and since ive been eating better and exercising it is completely gone!
  • Spice_4_Life
    Spice_4_Life Posts: 225
    I suffered with awful anxiety every day and since ive been eating better and exercising it is completely gone!

    That's awesome!! It's nice to feel normal again, isn't it? I feel soo much better too. :flowerforyou: