Introduce myself

Sun 07/15/12 10:37 AM
Hello, I'm Larry
I have started using MFP about 2 months ago. I actually started dieting before then but did not know about this App.
I stepped on the scales one morning and DID NOT Like what I saw. I'm one of these people who has to be really motivated
to diet. Well what I saw on the scales was "Motivation times 10" I have never weighed 300 lbs. in my life and, I was not going to start
now. Since I started 2 1/2 months ago I have lost 38 lbs. and still going strong. Here's how I am doing it. First and foremost I really began taking a look at the things I was eating. It was not really that I was " Overeating" it was "what" I was eating. Once I got a handle on my calorie intake it was just a matter of choosing healthy. I went to Wal Mart and bought some "Weight Watcher" meals.
"Smart ones" I was pleasantly surprised at how good the food actually is. Keep in mind that it is substantially smaller portions than
what I was used to but, that's ok after a short time my stomach began shrinking and now, when I eat one, I'm full! Really! I also stopped drinking so much soda pop. Man that stuff will really throw a wrench in the diet plan. I started buying Crystal Light flavoring
packets. At 10 cal. a packet you can't go wrong with that and, it is very good tasting also. Along with the Weight Watchers" meal my wife " bless her heart" makes me some kind of soup. Usually some kind of squash or spinich with 3 large shrimp cooked in chicken broth. Pretty good stuff. I have been pretty diligent in keeping track of my calories within this App. If you can see what you are eating
and see how many cal. you eat and how many you have left it keeps the guesswork to a minimum. I usually round up on my cal. to give me a little room to fudge on things I can't control. A good idea is to buy a Cal. counter book because you'll want to add foods that may not be in this App. The scanner in this App. works great. There are not many things that are not in the database. Finally "Exercise" so important. I try but not always accomplish 1 mile walk on my treadmill each morning. At 2 mile per hr. it's just 30 min. out of my day. Wow, I didn't really mean to go on and on. I am still about 60 lbs. away from my goal but, as I said, I am more determined now than ever. Happy eating everyone and eat healthy the weight will drop I promise. Larry

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  • halips
    halips Posts: 134 Member
    Great job! Keep up the hard work and good luck!
  • kryssoue
    kryssoue Posts: 2
    I have been here since April, but i have been slacking a lot but still is exercising 2-4 times a week. This morning, I ate a lot of bad food for breakfast like lean pockets, chiminga with eggs and I felt conscious about those bad choices and decided to be back here for real. I would need to be encouraged by you pals. Thank you so much in advance for the help and tips!