Would love some feed back on my progress

Hi All,

Me and my wife were just talking about my progress pictures and she is very supportive but I cant help but feel she may be a bit biased. So Would love some feedback if its not too much trouble. Basically my goal is to get to 12.5 Stone, I started at 14.3 stone but did not take pictures at first. I am currently at 13.3 Stone so slowly getting there but I am not sure my pics are that diffrent but I guess I might be expecting too much or maybe I need to go lower than 12.5 stone (I am 5ft.8in). I want to shed the weight and get buff , I am actually trying to do both at the same time. I know I am not eating enough calories to get biggers muscles just wanting to get lean until i get to my goal weight.

The reason why my frt on pics are close together is I only just started doing more types of pics for comparison.



Thanks in advance for the feedback.
P.S Sry to only give thumbnail and links its just it was cutting pic in half when I tried to link whole thing.


  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
  • kelann1024
    kelann1024 Posts: 33 Member
    congratulations! You look much leaner in your "now" pics. I think your wife is right. You looked toned. What do you mean by "stoned"?
  • kelann1024
    kelann1024 Posts: 33 Member
    sorry "stone"
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    You look pretty good to me.....As long as you feel okay....
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    Oh sry Stone is a the measurement I will convert at the moment I am 84.45 kg I started at 91.3kg
  • paulyfred
    paulyfred Posts: 5 Member
    I see a big difference. Your stomach is much smaller and more ripped.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    Its ok I knew what you meant when you said stoned hehe, By the way love your avatar and thanks for the feed back.
  • sourkeys
    sourkeys Posts: 36 Member
    Really Good Work.... Def look better in the after pics. Keep it up
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    Really Good Work.... Def look better in the after pics. Keep it up

    Thanks for the encouragement, I def gonna keep it up. I will get my old body back eventually lol
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    I knew stone was a form of measurement, but had no clue what it meant. Kgs make no sense to me either. Silly american :) You do look great! Leaner
    Oh sry Stone is a the measurement I will convert at the moment I am 84.45 kg I started at 91.3kg
  • Coccoyng99
    Coccoyng99 Posts: 3 Member
    You're doing great! Your results are obvious . I have the same problem. I can't see my progress in the mirror nor in pictures. I can only notice my progress by putting on some clothes I use to fit well or even clothes that use to be too small. Try that and see if it helps you see just how good your doing. Good luck.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    I knew stone was a form of measurement, but had no clue what it meant. Kgs make no sense to me either. Silly american :) You do look great! Leaner
    Oh sry Stone is a the measurement I will convert at the moment I am 84.45 kg I started at 91.3kg

    Thank you =D

    I suck at math but I think my starting weight was 200.2 pound and I am at 186.2 pounds now, Might not be exact though
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member